
发布时间:2023-10-10 04:05:27 阅读:92 点赞:0

关于”我们该做些什么“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:What should we do。以下是关于我们该做些什么小学英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What should we do

It's been raining these days and it hasn't stopped, leading to floods. The PLA immediately came to rescue the villagers in the flooded area, and they did their best to fight the flood. They pvided the villagers with fresh vegetables and food, and ozed some medical teams to them eat a healthy diet.

They were not allowed to eat poisonous food and dead animals. They had to clean the water repeatedly before dnking. The doctor told them to pay special attention to their health.

Leaders of some countes also visited the areas. After that, money was sent fm all over the country to support these areas. For a long time, rything went well.

It was a si of victory. For three consecutive days, the heavy rain has been poung down in torrential rain. Last night, not only the fields but also the villages were grazing.

The houses were washed away by the flood. The villagers were in danger and struggling in the water. At this time, the PLA soldiers came by steam boat.

They ted their best to save the villagers and them to move onto the ver bank. The government has pvided a lot of tents, food, clothing and medicine for the villagers. Without the of the party and the PLA, a large number of people will lose their lives.

If the flood or starvation is not available, keep calm and retreat to high places to pvide life-saving equipment. What if the villagers are sunded by water.






2:我们该怎么办,What do we do in a fire) if we're in a fire, first of all, we should keep silent. We can't be so nervous that we do something terble. We can take a deep breath and try to save oselves.

We can't jump out of the window unless there's no other way out becse it's too dangeus. We need a piece of wet paper to cover o nose and mouth to prnt oke.




3:我们该做些什么,As we all know, in daily life, ryone will encounter some difficulties that no one can avoid, so when we encounter difficulties, what should we do? First of all, we should face the pblem bravely and find out the cse of yo tuble. This is a very important situation and the pblem itself. We'd better make sral plans and choose the best one to solve the pblem better.

It's time to implement the plan effectively. When we encounter some obstacles, we should try again patiently. After all, Rome was not built in a day And if it is difficult for us to come up with a good idea, we can tn to o parents, teachers and fends.

They will certainly give us some useful suggestions, so that we can solve pblems faster. When we encounter difficulties, we must be brave and beli in oselves. As long as we try o best, we are o own king and we should always keep a positive attitude If we fail this time, don't worry.

It's just the beginning of success. Beli in yoself. Nothing is impossible.



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