
发布时间:2023-06-18 14:58:17 阅读:137 点赞:0

关于”生活上“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Life challenges。以下是关于生活上xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Life challenges

On my first day of high school, I was very excited becse I had entered a new stage of my life. The school required students to live in dormitoes, so I had to move out and leave my parents. This was a big challenge for me, becse I had nr left home before I needed to learn to be independent.

What's , I also learned to get along with others. High school was like one for me In a all society, I solved the pblem very well. Another challenge came fm learning.

I had to study many subjects and struggle for my fute university. I met difficulties and felt depressed. But I told myself not to give up.

I overcame the difficulties of high school life, but we grew up quickly.




2:生活,I have a lovely family, which is composed of my parents, my grandparents and myself. I love all my family members. Becse of their efforts in the past few years, it makes me stng and healthy.

Howr, since I was a child, they have worked very hard to ense that I can get a better education fm pmary school to university in the fute, I feel sorry for them, but they encoage me to study hard and live a better life. After adapting to this society, I also know that they are the grea parents in the world. Dung Thanksgiving, I sincerely hope that they will always be happy and the most important thing is to keep healthy in their age.

I hope I can be with them and bng to their families I like my parents very much, becse they are very good to my gwth. I want to tell my parents that my mother and my father, I will always love you becse you sometimes yell at me. I want to thank you again and again.




3:生活上,I'm glad you are interested in English corner. I want to tell you that we held an English corner in the school library last Fday afternoon. Not only a few students, but also o teachers participated.

Some of us read English books and newspapers, some practice oral English, and teachers teach us English songs. Since I joined the English corner, my spoken English has impved. Now I can speak English in fnt of the whole class.

I find that learning English is not as difficult as before.




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