
发布时间:2023-05-16 01:17:58 阅读:84 点赞:0

关于”有关写未来“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:About wting the fute。以下是关于有关写未来初中英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About wting the fute

I hope I can become a doctor in the fute. I was born in a doctor's family. My parents are doctors.

They are always busy working for the health of patients and have no time to take care of them. Doctors have saved many people's lives at work. Doctors are called "angels in white", bee doctors can let these people expeence the pain and pain, and make people change their health.

At the same time, I beli, them I hope to be a doctor like my parents. I hope I can become a doctor in the fute. ".




2:关于书写未来,Knowledge is power, especially science and technolo. Knowledge is the dving force of social dlopment. Without science and technolo, human society can not dlop fm pmitive society to modern society.

Therefore, to and tranorm nate, we must scientific knowledge, and social knowledge is also essential. Without it, we can not understand the society and the law of social dlopment, so we can not understand society Therefore, in addition to scientific knowledge, we also need to social science, philosophy, politi, history, aestheti, etc. in order to understand the correct world outlook of society fm all angles and forms.

In order to meet the new challenges in the new centy, we college students should seize the opportunity to learn knowledge and become qualified successors of the socialist e.




3:有关写未来,Urban traffic with the dlopment of economy, traffic has become one of the biggest pblems in modern cities. One of the pblems is pollution. The exhst gas discharged fm exhst pipe is the enemy of air.

There are so many cars and buses in the city, which do great harm to the envinment. Another pblem is congestion. Urban residents are very familiar with traffic jams, which is what they live in Part of the time is wasted on the traffic and people are impatient with the terble traffic conditions.

What's worse, traffic accidents are the disaster of life, and the death of traffic has become one of the nightmares of ban residents. The construction of ads and bdges can only work. Some pblems of cars and buses should be impved to reduce exhst emissions.

The government should encoage citizens to take buses so that the traffic on the ad will be reduced. People should obey the traffic rules and try not to make tuble on the ad. Urban areas should be expanded so that there is to build wide ads or efficient means of low pollution.

Only when we pay enough attention to this pblem can we solve it.




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