
发布时间:2023-06-30 00:32:00 阅读:94 点赞:0

关于”男择偶标准“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Male mate selection ctea。以下是关于男择偶标准专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Male mate selection ctea

What the boss should choose, diploma or ability has always been a hot topic. What should a boss pay attention to? Some people pay attention to ability. They think that "ability is rything", but at the same time, some people think that the opposite diploma is important.

In other words, in different situations, if the boss is facing a fresh graduate fm University, they should make different choices There is an old saying: as a student, he should be responsible for his work, he has the obligation to study hard. In this regard, a betiful report card is very good, at least it pves his learning ability, which is very necessary for the fute, becse he is too young, he has a job This is also a necessary factor. Howr, if the boss is facing a 40 year old person who has just fired a company or was diissed by the oginal company, then the boss will consider many things such as work ability and expeence, and the diploma is nothing, becse it is only a history for him, both are very important, and of cose, there is another one Some other things are indispensable.

For the boss, before a choice, think about what he wants most, that is, which talent he needs most is the most important.




2:雄配偶选择标准,Girls like humor, careful boy, have the feeling of care, by the life partner in the comfortable appearance does not matter, do not dream unrealistic, his condition is not bad, work ability is better taste is wide man, the most important thing is that we can make me ile people feel warm, you can't be handsome, you can't have personality, as long as you have a om, whether it's a one-time payment or mortgage payment, you want Understand that mantic you have personality, you want the feelings are single-minded, you are not allowed to be outside, do not let them casually date o girls.




3:男择偶标准,What do you want fm a man "or" what do you want fm a girl "is usually a question. When you are young, yo standards are set very high. Howr, as you get older, you have to lower yo standards a little bit.

A bit happened to find this joke today. It is absolutely funny, but it is a cruel and real" I " What I want in a manor list (age, handsome, charming, financially succesul, a considerate listener, dressed in betiful clothes, with style, appreciating delicate things, full of thoughtful spse and imagination, I want mantic lovers (age is good-looking (like hair on the head) open the door, hold the chair, have enough money to have a big dinner. Listen to me Talking, lghing, my jokes, carrying bags of gcees, easily owning at least one tie, enjoying a good home cooked meal, remembeng birthdays and anniversaes, looking for the mance I want at least once a week, on a man's list (not too ugly (bald can) until I'm working in the car, having a steady meal and occasionally nodding my head.

I usually remember the jokes when I'm talking. It's good You can rearrange yo fnite, wear a shirt that covers yo stomach. If you don't buy champae with caps, remember to put the toilet seat down and shave.

Most weekends I want is a men's fitness Checklist (age, keep yo nose and ears tmmed, don't bp or scratch in public, don't borw too much money, don't nap or sleep when I vent, don't repeat the same jokes too much When I'm fit enough to get off the couch on weekends, I usually wear matching socks and fresh underwear to enjoy a good TV dinner. Remember my name and sometimes shave for weeks. I want to wte something on a man's revised list OK, I can stand up on my own.

I usually wear clothes, like soft food, and remember where he left his teeth. This is the weekend I want, in a man's revised list (age, breath, don't miss the toilet.



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