
发布时间:2023-06-13 13:27:48 阅读:111 点赞:0

关于”大空旅行“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Air travel。以下是关于大空旅行专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Air travel

I had a good time in Chongqing this holiday. It was a very pleasant tp. Chongqing is the largest municipality directly under the central government.

It is built on the mountains. The biggest building I see is the bdge. Chongqing is sunded by the Jialing River and the Yangtze River to make life better and harmonious.

There are vaous bdges in sral distcts of Chongqing. I don't know the English names of these bdges. The night scene of Chongqing is exciting, especially in Jiefang north.

It is so betiful that I can't descbe it in words. I don't like the winter weather in Chongqing. It's so cold that I can't stand a word.

I spent an unforgettable time. I hope I can go to Chongqing for the second time.




2:航空旅行,There are many ways to travel. If people want to go far away and arve at their destination in a short time, flying is the most comfortable but expensive way to travel, becse the train is a cheaper way, but the carage is narw, stuffy bus travel is a cheaper way, but it is spent in narw places, bumpy ads, cwded traffic, boat travel OK may be the cheapest and most comfortable way, but it takes too much time I like to travel by bike, I can start when I like, stop when I like, I can go anywhere I want to, so that when I feel tired, I sit next to my bike and enjoy a good rest. Besides, I can save a lot of money on tickets and waiting for rain or buses.

You can go to places by bike than by walking. Cycling is good for yo health. It's really a good way to exercise yo muscles and yo will.

Moreover, it does not pollute the air and s to clean the air atmosphere.





3:大空旅行,Last summer, I went to Vietnam with my parents. We live in a all village on the outskirts of Saigon. The air and water were clean, and there were many children playing with buffalo in the mud.

Although the country is very poor, the children seem to be happy that they live in all houses made of mud and straw with their farmers' parents, and a lot of people in the ce fields dung the day. They don't have TV and Internet, but they have a good time outside. It's an unforgettable tp, and I will nr forget an unforgettable tp.

My family plans to visit this interesting place. We went to the Oental Pearl TV Tower, a famous toust attraction. Every LIPSIT of Shanghai is a maificent building in Pudong New Area.

It is the tallest building, so it is easy to see the building. Even if you are miles away, when we reach the high-se building of the Oental Pearl TV Tower, we can see that The charming scenery, including the Huanu River, was suddenly moved by the builders at the moment when I went thugh the window. They put their soul and ener into the building, it a landmark of the city.

This is a tp I will nr forget.




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