
发布时间:2023-02-24 06:26:29 阅读:122 点赞:0

关于”生活磨练版“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:A honed version of life。以下是关于生活磨练版xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A honed version of life

QQ ten years ago, the Internet was almost unheard of by most people today. The Internet is one of the most powerful tools in the world. The Internet is a collection of vaous s and resoces, and Russ, director and consultant of innovation and consulting center Bck said that the main components of the Internet are e-mail and the world wide web.

Compared with e-mail, search engines, fast websites, the Internet is the second highest sports score, and chat oms are full of gossip. The Internet is also listed as one of the best business tools today. If it can be used skillfully, almost all families have the Internet, but the elderly don't like each other at all Online becse when their children are on the Internet, they are easy to be led into dangeus things.

When children are chatting with others on the Internet, they don't like to realize that they may actually be talking to a harmful person. As a result, there have been many cases that have convinced children to meet the people they are chatting with online. In fact, the story seems to have happened ry week: a child Children or agers are led to some stupid, dangeus and n fatal online agers.

Just like today's one hand, almost all students are required to use the Internet for research. 30% of the teachers arrange the homework that needs to be done thugh the Internet in the classom. 66% of the teachers use the Internet for teaching, download s, enter chat oms or just sf the Internet.

These are all young people Some of the uses discovered in 1997 have many s that can be downloaded fm the Internet, and free chat oms are very popular becse agers can meet new and interesting people.


QQxx年前,互联网在今天大多数人几乎闻所未闻,互联网是全世界最强大工具之一互联网是各种服务和资源集合,创新与咨询中心主任兼顾问Russ Bck说,互联网主要组成部分是电子邮件和万维网互联网比电子邮件,搜索引擎,快速网站,高达第二体育成绩,而且聊天室里充满了流言蜚语网络也被列为当今最好商业工具之一如果它能熟练地使用话几乎所有家庭都有互联网但是老人们根不喜欢互联网因为当他们孩子们上网时,他们很容易被引诱到危险事情中去,当孩子们在网上和别人聊天时,他们不喜欢意识到他们实际上可能是在和一个有害人交谈结果,已经有很多案例说服了孩子们去见他们在网上聊天人事实上,故事似乎每周都会有:一个孩子或青少年被引诱到一些愚蠢、危险,甚至致命网上青少年,就像今天一只手一样,几乎要求学生使用互联网进行研究30%教师在课堂上布置需要通过互联网进行研究作业,66%教师使用互联网进行教学,下载游戏、进入聊天室或只是上网冲浪,这些都是青少年发现一些用途有很多游戏可以从网上下载,很受欢迎,因为青少年可以结识新有趣人。


2:磨练版生活,Summer jobs summer jobs are a tradition of Amecan college students. Before the end of the school year, students begin to look for jobs dung the holidays (in June, July, and August, students wte to businesses to discuss summer job opportunities with employers and ask fends and relatives to find jobs for them before June. Students usually have solved their pblems and are ready to leave their books and enter the business world.

Every student wants a summer job for different reasons. Some jobs are to pay for tuition, others are to earn expeence in their chosen career, and some work as typists, builders, saleen, lifeguards and waiters just for fun. These are some of the common jobs that students find in the summer, but many young people find them The work is a bit unusual..




3:生活磨练版,Pandas like to live alone. Each panda has a separate activity area. The main food for pandas is bamboos, which are green all the year und, and the nutents in different parts are generally the same.

They eat bamboo heart and bamboo shoots, sometimes bamboo leaves, but the inines of pandas are very short. For symbiotic bactea to ferment cellulose, giant pandas can only stop 90% of bamboo Howr, wild geese eat thugh the digestive tract very quickly, and their utilization rate is as high as 10%, which makes panda can feed panda bamboo as long as they eat for a few hos or ry day. Becse there are many kinds of bamboo, and there are many kinds of bamboo in its habitat and svival, which cse bamboo death for peodic floweng.

There is no conclusive research evidence that giant panda will face threat Starvation endangeng life, that is, the dlopment of artificial habitats. In order to reduce the habitat, giant pandas can't find suitable bamboo. In ancient times, there are many records about eating panda in.

Therefore, panda also has the name of in eating animal. Many people intrude into the residence of panda. It is stng enough to make people jaw.

But why not eat these things to know giant panda The estrus peod of the panda is very short. The female giant panda only has a few days' oestrus in a year. After mating, the female stele giant panda is released alone in the wild.

The giant panda is flexible in skills and good at climbing trees. When it is dangeus, the fast running giant panda is often born in the Cunninghamia lanceolata cave. It is a child with one child and sometimes o sons.

There is no obvious change in the body appearance dung preancy It is pink, and the patterns of giant pandas vary greatly, becse the giant pandas eat bamboo ry day, eat for a long time, ense the heat supply, and go out to look for food when they leave the mother panda cubs dung the nsery peod.



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