
发布时间:2023-06-01 16:44:19 阅读:199 点赞:0

关于”上学第一天趣事“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Fun on the first day of school。以下是关于上学第一天趣事xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Fun on the first day of school

Now that my holiday is over, I'm going to school again. I had a very happy holiday. In addition to most of the housework at home was done by me, all my homework was finished.

So at the beginning of the new semester, my mother was very happy. I had to make a plan. I would study harder than before and get good grades.

I will spend time learning English becse my English is poor. It is also my duty to study other subjects.





2:开学第一天乐趣,A person's life record is constantly updated, that is to say, in a person's life, there are many times the beginning and the end, ry year is a new beginning, ry day is a new beginning, facing the world, n ry minute, ry second is a new beginning, we are doomed to fight ry minute, use a new face to adapt to it, I also received my new beginning Becse the new semester is about to start a few days ago, I have to toss and tn ry night, becse I am excited. Maybe, I will meet many fends, and there will be interesting stoes than holidays. Becse of the care after class, maybe it is the first day after school.

The presse will be great and the competition will increase. They can bear the memory of the holiday. Maybe the life after the holiday is not easy, just like time What the passing fends know, they say, "why do you want to let nate take its cose"? Howr, in the face of a new beginning, how can you calm down and start over again? Natally, it will take a few days to prepare and treat rything with a brand-new face.

The school day finally ushers in a new beginning, and natally there will be some changes. The oginal classom no longer belongs to o class, On o first day, the blackboard that we most like to move to the new classom is not the same. Starting fm the traditional black, the dark green classom is bghter than the oginal one.

The walls with windows have o sides, and there are no certificates and study subjects. The students we once knew have changed a lot. Of cose, this is not only becse a student has gwn up, but also becse of presse and psychological age They talk endlessly, like fends who haven't seen each other for a long time.

Some of them say where to go on holiday, some complain about their busy holidays, and some how to do when they go to work. Others say to me, "I finally hear yo voice again." it seems that although the old pblems have not changed, ryone is ready to welcome the new semester with a new look At the beginning of the semester, the updated life records have become the past. Why should we miss those old documents just at the beginning of the new semester? A new face to rything that is coming, without leaving any regrets.

It is what we should do and will do to challenge the old records. Let us show a new self.



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