
发布时间:2023-11-17 17:08:54 阅读:41 点赞:0



Today, we have arrested Ratko Mladic and the extradition is in pgress, which is the result of full cooperation beeen Serbia and the Hague Tbunal. We can always beli in o strate and in the work of ryone involved in the pcess. Today, we have concluded a chapter in o recent history, which will take us fther towards full reconciliation.

On the night of the region, we have and will pvide a list today, and we have actual reports that people have come and that they are missing and missing. We're going to release the list today, and now remember, there are some people on the list that we're working directly with their family members to confirm their identity and tell their loved ones that they're dead. You're really close to the ell in the trunk of that car, you're not the only ell I have fm the gas tank on the gund, you didn't ell anyone in the trunk of yo dghter's car in June Do you ell like tting? Bee this decision focuses only on permits and special exemptions, I don't think it's a prediction of what the Supreme Cot will make.

As far as Azona's border law is concerned, I hopes that the cot will ntually support the Azona Distct Cot's decision to overtn key parts of Azona's notoous let me see yo documents act. This is another example of Congress's faile to enact comprehensive immigration reform, which has led to the patchwork of immigration laws we need. The federal government is addressing o fraented immigration , rather than adopting different appaches to interstate pcedes.





2:新闻稿,Hello ryone, my name is, I'm glad that the heavy rain hit the whole city this morning, bnging flood. Early in the morning, it was raining cats and dogs on the way to work. The rain came so suddenly that many people were trapped in the rain.

All the wet streets and ads were flooded, including many shops and s. Due to the heavy rain, many factoes had to stop pduction. It is belid that food and vegetable pces will se tomorw.

According to reports, the rain is the biggest in the past five years, ing huge economic losses.





3:通讯稿,On the ning of December

6, the lecte of the second class of student cadre training class of the school of mathemati and statisti was held in the science and technolo building. Zhang Jinyuan and Li shaorui, directors of the college students' Dlopment Research Center, Wang Wenzhong, deputy secretary of the branch of the school of mathematical statisti, and Qiu Zhiqiang worked in the student affairs mament department, This lecte is presided over by Liu Xin, the Education Commi of the University. The theme of this lecte is "to impve the psychological quality of students." Mr.

Zhang first expounds his ysis of the es of sral recent accidents in o school, attaches importance to the students' ability to face and deal with pblems, and then expounds the psychological situation of college students, the truth of psychological is and ten misunderstandings of life psychological is After that, he talked about ten clues to find out the psychological is. Finally, he mentioned some common psychotherapy theoes and related technologies. Li shaorui once gave a lecte on first aid knowledge in the school hospital, mainly talking about the most commonly used and practical methods of emergency cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and explained in detail.

The nses repeatedly demonstrated the practice of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and most of the students present had knowledge of first aid And how to deal with emergencies.



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