
发布时间:2023-10-21 05:36:56 阅读:49 点赞:0

关于”餐桌上有什么“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:What's on the table。以下是关于餐桌上有什么初中英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What's on the table

Of cose, the main difference beeen Chinese dining tables is chopsticks, not knives and forks, but this is only superficial. And in a decent restaant, you can always ask for a pair of knives and forks. If you find chopsticks are not useful enough, the real difference is that in the west, you have yo own dish.

In China, if you are going to a formal dinner party for the first time, ryone will share the dishes, especially If the host thinks that you are coming to China for the first time, he will try his best to let you taste many different kinds of dishes. The meal usually starts with at least fo cold dishes, followed by hot meat and vegetable soup (except for Guangdong style restaants), and then the main cose, fm ce, noodles to dumplings. If you want to match yo ce with other dishes, you should say it in time.

For most Chinese people, they ntually choose to eat the staple food or not eat the staple food at all. Perhaps the most spsing thing for Western toists is that some Chinese hosts like to put food on the guests' plates ding formal dinner. For this reason, there will always be public chopsticks and spoons, but some will If it's not polite for you to eat with chopsticks, it's not polite for you to eat with chopsticks.

In China, people tend to over order food, becse if you eat all the food, they will feel embarrassed to say so, otherwise you always eat too much.





2:桌子上有什么,The heavy rain last night washed the whole city clean. The rain stopped until early in the morning and a dp of water could be seen falling fm the branches. After a while, the trees were reflected in the puddle on the side of the ad.

After a while, a grandmother came slowly with a basket in her arms. Although she walked very carefully, she suddenly fell down becse of the wet. She ht her foot and ted to stand up, but failed.

She looked at the passengers and wanted to ask them for . The passers-by noticed the grandmother who fell down, but they had different views. Some people thought she was a liar and wanted money, so they left immediately.

Some people didn't like to care about other people's affairs, some were busy with their own affairs, so they didn't want to take care of it. Some people thought she pretended to be poor and thought she was not worth ing. Finally, o college students came to see her I also heard that someone pretended to fall and asked for a lot of money fm the people who ed them.

At the moment, they hesitated for a few minutes. They didn't know whether to her. They chose to trust the old woman, themselves and the betiful society.

So they ed grandma stand up. Grandma was very grateful to them. So we should all pay attention to this social phenomenon and think deeply about whether love should be self-centered or given to ryone aund us.

Let us Share o love with ryone.





3:餐桌上有什么,Most of the Chinese table manners are related to the use of chopsticks. Otherwise, generally speaking, Chinese table manners are casual and considered rude in other cultes. For example, full mouth is acceptable, but it is better not to do so.

Chopsticks must always be held in the ght hand beeen the thumb and fingers of the ght hand. Traditionally, chopsticks can only be held with the ght hand, n if it is left-handed. Although chopsticks can be found in any hand now, there are still a few people who think that the impper use of chopsticks by left-handed people is that this usage is regarded as impper.

One explanation is that it may symbolize contversy Becse chopsticks can collide beeen left-handed and ght-handed users.



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