
发布时间:2023-10-19 17:30:05 阅读:51 点赞:0

关于”求一篇书信“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Ask for a letter。以下是关于求一篇书信高考英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Ask for a letter

Dear new students, I'm very happy to intduce myself to you. I'm Jack. I'm a new student in yo school.


15 years old. If you're interested in playing football, we can play after class and after playing football. I usually have an apple.

Apple is my favote fruit. I think we can be good fends soon, if you also like playing football.




2:要一封信,Dear mom and Dad: Thank you very much. Thank you very much for yo love in parenting. I also deeply realize the difficulty of my parents.

I know that you let me go to a better school, and I have a good living envinment. Every day is very hard, but you iore yo body. We should be healthy all o life.

Without healthy body, we can't study or work very well Without a healthy body, we have many ways to keep healthy. First of all, you can eat fruits and vegetables, and then you'd better dnk water. You have to do a lot of exercise.

We can walk to school instead of taking the bus after school. We can spend an ho playing ball. Finally, we should form good living habits.

We should have at least a few hos' sleep ry night and eat nly Heng. There is a famous saying: "early to bed and early to se is the way to keep healthy, ch and wise.". If you care about yoself, it's easy to have a healthy lifestyle.




3:求一篇书信,Dear Tom, thank you for yo decision to come to me ding the holiday. I'm looking forward to seeing you. I've prepared a om for you.

On the first day you come, I'll meet you at the airport. I suggest you take a rest in the morning, and then fm the next day, we'll go out to meet o former clasates. We're going to travel to Huangshan, and we'll spend the night there when we get back to the city I hope you are satiied with my itinerary.

If there is anything you don't like, please let me know. It's a bit cold at night here. Please take some long sle shirts with you just in case.



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