
发布时间:2024-02-21 02:24:25 阅读:87 点赞:0

关于”介绍猪“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Intduce pigs。以下是关于介绍猪高三英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce pigs

Pigs are ungulates native to Easia, collectively known as SUS, belonging to the genus SUS. Some people domesticate and raise pigs as domestic animals for meat (called pork) and leather. Their bstles are also traditionally used as brushes.

Wild boars continue to perform these functions in some parts of the world. Pigs are omnivores, which means that they eat animals and plants at the same time on all farms or large families. They can feed kitchen residues as part or all of their food in the wild.

They are foraging animals. Pigs can forage becse of their foraging ability and excellent sense of ell, which may be watched by swineherd. In many Eupean countes, they are used to look for truffles.

They are also fattened into ham and other kinds of meat. For example, bacon pigs are highly trained animals. Some, such as Asian big belly pigs, are used as pets to keep a litter of pigs, usually beeen animals and animals In raising, pigs may eat their own young.





2:介绍猪,Pig nose is nose, eyes are all, tail is very all, can be cly, kink, also can be straight. It has a thick body and short legs, with fo toes on each foot and o big toes in the middle for walking. Pigs are omnivores, that is to say, they eat both plants and all animals.

Pigs will eat any kind of food, including dead insects, insects, bark, tten corpses, excrement (including their own garbage, as well as other pigs in the field). They are foraging animals, mainly eating leaves, grass and ots. Occasionally, in captivity, pigs may eat their own young, Usually when they are under sre stress.




3:介绍猪,Pig or witch a man was dving on a steep, narw mountain ad. A woman was dving along the same ad they passed. The woman leaned out of the window and yelled.

The pig man immediately poked his head out of the window to reply. The Witch and the witch went on. When the man unded the next corner, he ran into a pig in the middle of the ad.

If only the man would listen.



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