
发布时间:2023-01-10 14:28:09 阅读:99 点赞:0

关于”班级书写“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Class wting。以下是关于班级书写雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Class wting

My class is now ten years old. I am in a pmary school. In my class, I have many fends.

My fends get along well with me. They will me when I encounter difficulties. When the competition comes, o class will unite and stve for the first place.

I am pud of my class and I have so many happy memoes.




2:课堂写作,Dear sir, with reference to yo letter of Apl, we are pleased to accept yo offer for tons of copper wire as per yo Quotation No. / b. Please apply for export license as soon as you know the export license number.

We will open the letter of credit by telegraphic traner of copper wire / / b "litigation" and fill in the valid "W", what is the matter, where and why (how: "what do you want when you need the goods) to whom the goods will be sent and where to pay) why clearly know that for ships fm Hong Kong to San Francisco, we have direct Bi monthly , which runs ry o months“( a) We have o direct liners fm Hong Kong to San Francisco ry o months. A) please let us know as soon as possible what you want us to do about this. B) please let us know as soon as possible what meases you want us to take on this matter "a) b) a)" B) "they informed John Smith that they would receive a reply within a few days, They informed John Smith and the latter will receive a reply within a few days.

As a CPA, I beli you can us become a CPA, you can certainly us, or you are a CPA, I beli you can us uec: clear Becker.




3:班级书写,In China, o students sit together to study. Generally, men and women sit together. Chinese students call teachers in pairs, not teachers' names.

All teachers call them in class. Students must listen carefully and don't whisper casually. Not only will they die in class, but also can be discussed sometimes.

Liu Shiji in Chinese schools can accommodate individuals to a large extent, so they can answer questions Students must make demands that they most easily break the classom discipline.



标签: 加拿大英文名  小女孩英文名  宠物英文名 

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