
发布时间:2024-03-01 00:49:00 阅读:93 点赞:0

关于”校园文明“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Campus civilization。以下是关于校园文明初三英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Campus civilization

: / / school is o home. We all live and study here. In order to ense o safety as a student, we should abide by the rules of the school.

We should go to school on time and nr be late. We must obey the traffic rules. We can't go swimming alone.

We shouldn't chase each other in the cordor and campus, get along well with people, and don't fight with others. You should not eat bad food and some junk food. Don't oke.

You must stay away fm cigarettes / oking / drugs. When you have questions to ask, you can ask the teacher for . Especially when you meet someone asking for money, you don't have to be afraid that you report to the teacher or call / we ask students to get d of these bad habits and be polite.

We must obey the traffic rules and can't go swimming alone. I hope we have a good time ry day.





2:校园文明,More importantly, in the construction of a harmonious society today, thugh the construction of a free and democratic social standards to judge whether a talent is not only limited to their pfessional knowledge, but also includes their moral standards and personal quality in Colleges and universities. The cultivation and shaping of College Students' moral standards is intangible and intangible, but in fact has an important impact on the campus culte of college students Culte is a part of the mainstream culte of the society. Healthy and lively campus culte influences the social and cultal envinment with all envinment, which plays an important le in pmoting the dlopment of social culte and pmoting the goal of harmonious society.




3:校园文明,Do you like school uniform? I think students should wear the same school uniform first. Weang school uniform can make students have a good attitude towards study and life. In addition, in order to attract people's attention, students will spend money to buy betiful clothes, which will bng a heavy bden on parents.

What's worse, the school can not form a perfect envinment. As the saying goes, ry coin has o sides. We must realize the positive and negative effects of weang school uniform.



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