
发布时间:2023-04-12 05:52:06 阅读:232 点赞:0

关于”我男朋友“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:My boyfend。以下是关于我男朋友六级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My boyfend

A letter to her boyfend. How are you? We've known each other for so long. I can finally get yo love.

It's so sweet and peaceful to be with you. I'm the one who wants to be with you. I hope you can feel it waiting for the next one in a w of green and blue.

You can build yo confidence with you. You can make my life valuable for the first time I can make you ile.




2:我男朋友,Congratulations on yo graduation. I wish you a fute full of success and dream come true. Don't be disappointed in the joney of life.

Some fends in the world seize yo opportunity and chesh yo opportunity. May o fendship nr fade. The wine distance of fendship will not be separated.

We hope you will always be happy. I have three wishes. May o fendship warm and o happiness will always accompany you and me.

We often meet, missing each other like a thread, one end connecting you, the other end connecting me. Life is like a piano. What you can get fm it depends on how you play it.

There is no sweat, no sweet knowledge, no end. Perfect personality is endless. Great works do not rely on stren, but on persrance to stop fighting.

You stop living. Great works are completed not by stren, but by persrance. Congratulations on yo graduation.

I wish you a success and a look To the happy fute of dreams, children, only when they have mateal, can they live. When they have ideal goals, they can decide what kind of person you want to be. Great hope makes great people become the goal of life is the only wealth worth looking for.

No matter what it will be, the steadfast, indomitable and pposeful person must Will succeed, let people say that life is a piece of white paper, each of us can wte his own words on it. Youth is limited, but his wisdom is infinite. In the short youth years, he absorbs unlimited wisdom, self-respect, self-knowledge and self-contl.

These three people lead life to the supreme power alone. Personality determines the fate, and knowledge changes o destiny You have a bght fute and a happy life. I will chesh all o memoes.

A fend is a gift. Its value cannot be meased unless you think about me with yo heart. Sometimes the Alps and the ocean separate us, but they will nr be will.

Unless you are willing (Byn), I am not yo excellent student, but in this special day, you are the most respected old man in my eyes Division. I would like to extend my heartfelt respect to you. There is no formula to calculate yo dedication.

There is no poem or song to express o heartfelt thanks to you. It is you who have cultivated o hearts with yo greatness. Please accept o best wishes at this special moment.





3:我男朋友,I want to have a boyfend. He should be tall and stng. He should be patient with me.

He should have enough money to give me a good life. He should also work hard. He can do all the housework for me.

He should be nice to me when I am gry. He will buy me some food when I am thirsty. When I am angry, he will buy me something to dnk.

He will accompany me all the time Fend, where are you.



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