
发布时间:2023-04-19 03:44:12 阅读:97 点赞:0

关于”你相貌“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Yo appearance。以下是关于你相貌xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Yo appearance

Appearance is important, but not ryone with outstanding appearance has advantages. For example, in today's recruitment , if you are betiful, the first impression of female interviewees will spass that of many people. Appearance is crucial.

When Shen is looking for a marage partner, no one can resist the charm of a betiful person, but bety doesn't mean rything. You can't be a bag Grass's character, personality, judent of a person, temperament and ability, expeence are important. An irresponsible person, n if he is very good, no one is willing to deal with him.

As a law-abiding citizen, we should cultivate good manners. With advanced technolo, we can get good moral character in one day. This is one of the reasons why many people psue good education.

In short, a betiful man is welcome, but a polite person is popular in this society.




2:你外表,When it comes to yo views on mobile phones, different people have different opinions on whether it is correct to rely on mobile phones excessively. Some people think that excessive reliance on mobile phones is a normal phenomenon, while others disagree. With the dlopment of science and technolo and economy, mobile phones seem to become and important in o daily life.

More and people rely on mobile phones, and some n say that they can't live without mobile phones Yes. As we all know, mobile phones bng great benefits to human beings, but also make people rely on mobile phones too much. There are many kinds of pblems.

For example, the frequently you use a mobile phone, the dependent you are on it. You may spend a lot of time on it, such as playing s or sending short messages. This is also a waste of time.

It benefits as much as a mobile phone. It may It makes the distance beeen you and me longer. Moreover, using mobile phones too often will damage people's health becse of radiation.

To be honest, I have my own point of view. Mobile phones play an important le in my life. I am a student.

ng a phone call with my parents ry day can let my parents know whether I am OK or not, which makes my complicated life easier. But if I rely too much on mobile phones, I will spend less time on my study, so I think we should not rely too much on mobile phones It should be used as a communication tool rather than a daily necessity and used wisely.




3:你相貌,China Petchemical (SNP) Hebei Branch on Sunday responded to Internet accusations that the company spent Renminbi (US dollars) on employee business cards, saying the evidence for the claim had been tampered with by the charges first reported by the Beijing times. The anonymous person said the Chinese oil giant bought a sees of business cards at the pce of (US $per person) and attached copies of receipts As evidence of the charges.



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