
发布时间:2023-04-07 10:49:03 阅读:101 点赞:0

关于”长辈年代差异“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Age difference of elders。以下是关于长辈年代差异xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Age difference of elders

The fundamental pblem of education is what kind of people we should cultivate and how to train them. There are great differences beeen Chinese education and western education in values, educational pposes, educational methods and so on. When Chinese teachers talk about western education, they think that rything is the same in all western countes or forei countes, but the education in Btain and the United States is very different.

Australia is different fm Btain and the United States, and South Afca is also different becse of its teaching of Afcan culte It's hard to learn. Fm a very young age, children in the West are encoaged to be all individuals, which is reflected in the way children are encoaged to make choices, fm what color underwear they want to wear to the methods of craft pjects they want to do. Chinese children are tght and encoaged to act like others in the community, and are required to wear similar clothes and carry out activities in the way they are tght.




2:长者年龄差异,Most people are tired of their parents' words becse their parents have told them many times. In the long run, people want to tn a deaf ear to their parents, especially agers. When I start to hear my mother's nagging, they are rebellious and oppose their parents' saying that I am one of them.

I pretend to listen to her, but the fact is that one day I didn't put her Keep in mind what I said. When I was shopping, I lost my wallet. I was very wored.

I be to think about my parents' words. They always told me to be careful, but I forgot this. I learned a lesson.

We should listen to o elders. They have expeenced so much. What they tell us is o valuable expeence worth learning.





① In the early 1930s, the middle of the early S:

① 1940-104;

② 2553;

③ 29020202; January, January, February, March, Apl, August, August, September, September, October, October, October, 1st, October, 1st, October, October, 1st, October, October, 1940;

② 2053;

② 2553;

③ 2900202; January, January, February, March, Apl, August, August, August, September, October, September, October, October, 1st, October, 1st, October, 1st, October, October, October, October, 1st, October, October, 1940 She was born on August

2, 2002,.



① 十七世纪二十世纪xx年代早期,年代初期中期:①一九四零年一零○xx年;

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