
发布时间:2023-02-14 04:10:01 阅读:129 点赞:0

关于”一切有你用“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Everything is for you。以下是关于一切有你用高三英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Everything is for you

We're reading the first section of the first chapter of a book, which has unlimited pages. I don't know who wte these words, but I always like them as a reminder that the fute can be anything we want, that we can take a mysteous, hazy fute and carve out of it anything we can imagine, just like a sculptor's shapeless stone, we are all Farmers, if we plant a good seed, we will have a good harvest; if o seed is poor and full of weeds, we will harvest a useless cp. If we plant nothing, we will get nothing.

I hope the fute is better than the past. I don't want it polluted by mistakes and mistakes. History is full of us.

We should care about the fute becse of that It's the place where we spend the rest of o lives. We can't do anything to change it. The fute is in fnt of us.

Everything we do affects it. Every day bngs new fields. In o family and o career, if we recoize them, we are just the beginning of pgress in ry field of human endeavor.




2:一切都是为了你,When I was in middle school, it was very difficult for me to adapt to the new envinment at the beginning, becse there were too many subjects to learn. I lagged behind other students. I didn't know what to do.

I just wanted to leave school. I told my fends about my tubles. She told me that I was under too much presse.

She suggested that I relax and make pgress step by step. When I look back on the past, it will be a good day for me to overcome all the difficulties.




3:一切有你用,When I feel heartache, all worldly things will pass, I will comfort myself, when I succeed, all these will pass. I'm going to warn myself that it's going to pass, and when I'm strangled by poverty, I'll tell myself that it's going to be over, and when I'm loaded with wealth, I'll tell myself that it's going to pass. Yes, really, where are the people who built the pyramids? He is not bied in a stone, one day he will put the pyramid, if rything is over, why should I worry that I will lgh at myself today, becse people are most diculous when they are too self ghteous.

I will nr fall into the trap of this thought, becse although I am the grea acle of nate, I am not only a grain of grain blown by the wind of time, but I really know me No matter where I come fm, no matter where I go, my concern for today will not seem stupid. Ten years later, why should I allow today's tvia to distb me? What happened before sunset will not be insiificant in the vers of centies. How can I ile when I face people or behaviors that offend me? Tears or my cse take me thugh ry adversity, And to keep my life in balance, these fo words are: this will pass, too.



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