
发布时间:2023-10-12 14:00:24 阅读:67 点赞:0

关于”如何做一个低碳环保人“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:How to be a low-carbon and envinmentally fendly person。以下是关于如何做一个低碳环保人高一英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to be a low-carbon and envinmentally fendly person

Good manners are necessary, for a man's manners are judged by his manners. Politeness not only shows what kind of education he has received and what his social status is, but also tends to show his nate. Good manners mean good behavior in social interaction.

Polite people are always pleasant partners. Bee he always thinks for others and respects others, he will not push and push in the cwd, but wait quietly for his tn to dlop politeness Not particularly great behavior, but they can tell us that the person who has these behaviors is the highest standard of learning politeness. A person should first remember that they come fm a person's daily behavior, the way he reacts to others, and his behavior in fnt of people.

He must sincerely be polite to others and respect others. In short, politeness does not cost anything What you get is rything.




2:如何做一个低碳、环保人,Now the envinmental pblems are becoming and seous. I think ryone wants to be a greener person. Howr, there are some ways to become a greener person.

First of all, we should reduce the waste we pduce. We should reuse both sides of paper and plastic bags. Recycling can not only ptect the envinment, but also save money, so we should collect waste Paper and soft dnks.

Third, we'd better walk or bike than take a bus or taxi. If you go very close, it will save ener and reduce air pollution. I think it's easy for you to be a envinmentally fendly person, and act louder than wordslz||.





3:如何做一个低碳环保人,|Earth Ho started in Australia, where millions of families and businesses have tned off their lights for an ho. Now it has become one of the largest climate change initiatives in the world. People are working together on a global scale to show that the possibility of taking action in global warming Earth Ho has bught some new changes to the world.

O life, the iconic bird's nest country The stadium and the nearby Water Cube National Swimming Center, which is usually illuminated by floodlights, darkens in the afternoon, while dozens of hotels, office buildings, shopping malls and restaants have also tned off some lights. People join in activities like candlelight dinners and star watching parties. Howr, some cti think that this is just a gimmick, which is no different fm my view.

"Earth Ho" is a global call to action. For ryone, ry enterpse and ry community, it is a call to stand up, take responsibility and participate in the sustainable fute of the earth An ho's work is a message of hope and a message of action. Everyone can make a different 0|.



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