
发布时间:2022-12-12 07:37:22 阅读:175 点赞:0

关于”规律锻炼“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Regular exercise。以下是关于规律锻炼雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Regular exercise

Many workers have built this factory in this factory. Many workers are building it ● he asked me where you are going and he asked me where I am going ● the om is empty, there is anything I can do for you in the om, is there any pet there.




2:定期运动,My classom is big and betiful. There are forty desks and chairs, o blackboards on the wall and o pictes. My classom has eln lights and elve fans.

What color are the fans? The corner is blue. There is a bookshelf. There are many books on the bookshelf.

I like books very much. This is my classom. Very good.

I like my classom very much. Do you have a betiful classom, too.




3:规律锻炼,Do you think young cminals should be sent to pson or are there other ways to punish young people who commit seous cmes, such as bbery or violent attacks, should be punished like s. Do you agree or disagree that young people should be punished like s for seous cmes such as bbery or violent asslt? To what extent do you agree or disagree that some people who were once in pson later become good citizens? Some people think they are the best to talk to students about the dangers of cme. Do you agree or disagree that people are afraid to leave home and afraid of cme? Some people think it should be taken More action to prnt cme, while others think it's almost impossible to discuss both sides and give you opinions on what are the cses of children's cmes and how to punish them.

Some people think that most cmes are the result of envinment, such as poverty and other social pblems. Others think that most cmes are csed by people of bad nate. Discuss o views and give their own opinions What should young people commit seous cmes? In most countes, psons are an effective way to solve the pblem of cme.

Some people think to what extent education is pvided to offenders. Do you agree or disagree with the extent to which many people run away fm home becse of their cmes. They think that action should be taken to prnt cme, but others find it useless.

Discuss these o views and give yo opinion. Nowadays, many people in o society show antisocial behavior, such as cme. What cses this? Who should handle it? The government should contl the amount of violence in movies and television in order to reduce the ll of violent cme in society.

To what extent do you agree or disagree that cmes are committed by children and young people in many parts of the world, and what are the cses of these juvenile cmes (n death penalty, life impsonment, law-abiding citizen cme (mder, theft, bbery, bbery, etc.).




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