
发布时间:2024-01-16 10:48:27 阅读:269 点赞:0

关于”街舞社团“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Hip hop Club。以下是关于街舞社团专业英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Hip hop Club

A little pphet in the Old ament, who was traditionally the thor of Haggai, is part of a larger book, elve of the Jewish canons born in exile in Babylon, who retned to Israel after the exile to mobilize the Jewish community to rebuild the temple of Jerusalem. His book includes fo pphecies that he delivered in , attbuting the economic plight of the exiles to their delay in rebuilding the temple, and pmising that God's new temple will be larger than the first.




2:嘻哈俱乐部,I am on duty today. Today is a sunny Fday. All the students are in class.

But Lin Tao, becse he ht his leg in yesterday's sports meeting, we should take o best wishes and hope that he will recover soon after school. In addition, we did well in class today. Thank you.




3:街舞社团,Hip hop is a form of ban folk dance, which has become and popular in recent days. It is common than the modern break dance. Hip hop dance is a part of hip-hop culte in the early 20th centy.

At that time, young people in the Bnx and sunding areas be to dance on streetcars in New York. Hip hop dance is an ideal way to express creativity. It is charactezed by self-image and dance coming fm the soul.

Dance represents body movements and is consistent with the rhythm and rhythm of hip-hop music. Hip hop dance is considered to be a good exercise for those who perform these dances. It s dancers impve flexibility, dlop body balance, and coordinate muscles This kind of dance allows dancers to impve their own style and maintain good body shape, which also enables them to achi the overall state of mind.

Hip hop dance includes many steps and movements that are not found in ballet and social dance. Jazz, ballet and other traditional dance forms are technical and need formal training. Each movement has a term jazz and ballet, but this is not the case with hip hop.

Dancers expeence while dancing. The only thing a dancer should do is to be familiar with dance techniques, hip hop It can be learned by all the people who are interested in dancing. There is no age limit or restction for the learners and dancers, and there is no need for a coach.

It should be a pfessional dancer. Howr, this kind of dance is a bit difficult to learn becse of the vaous body movements.




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