
发布时间:2023-04-13 04:27:32 阅读:164 点赞:0

关于”快乐家“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Happy home。以下是关于快乐家专业英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Happy home

When I first read this sentence by Btish poet lreate, I didn't think much about it, and I was shocked. I always thought the opposite was true, but his calm self-confidence made me unforgettable. In the end, I seemed to understand what he meant, and realized that there was a pfound observation here, that is, the wisdom of happiness makes lies possible, not blred by anxiety, nor dimmed by despair and boredom, without blind spots csed by fear, and positive happiness - not satiaction or satiaction - often comes suddenly, like an Apl shower or a bud Put on, you will find what kind of wisdom with it, the grass is greener, the bird's song is sweeter, the shortcomings of fends are easier to understand and easier to forgive.

Happiness is like a pair of glasses, which can correct yo spitual vision. Howr, the insight into happiness is not limited to what is not happy aund you. Yo mind tns to yo emotional pain.

Yo vision is cut off by a wall. The wall of happiness collapses. The long vision is to see the land under yo feet and the world aund you - people, thoughts, emotions, presses - are now fused Into the larger scene, rything appears in a equitable pportion, which is the beginning of wisdom.





2:快乐家园,Once upon a time, there was a king who was very powerful and ch, but he was not happy. He told his servants to find him something to make him happy, but ryone came back and said, "there is nothing in the world that can compare with the wonderful things you already have.". In that land, there was a poor man with an eye mask over one eye and a crutch.

Although he had nothing, when the king heard about it, he was always very happy. He asked the man to teach him a secret: "I nr push or push." the man replied, "the most important thing is that I nr rush, I nr ask too much." Then he iles and goes away. If you want to make a man happy, don't increase his wealth, but reduce his desire.




3:快乐家,How to be happy, ryone is thinking, this is really a pblem. All you have to do about this is take it easy. Don't dou yoself, beli in yoself and try to make yoself happy.

Don't think things are too difficult, you can't do them, just feel that rything is OK. Another important way is to be interested in what you like. Don't think about other people's thoughts.

Be yoself. Do anything that is really happy is yo own. No one can contl you.

What makes you lgh is yoself (^ ^ ^).




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