
发布时间:2024-04-08 15:48:17 阅读:13 点赞:0

关于”献血对健康好处“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Health benefits of blood donation。以下是关于献血对健康好处xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Health benefits of blood donation

People's views on blood donation vary fm person to person. Some people think that blood donation is a good thing becse blood donation can save some people's lives, but some people don't insist on blood donation becse blood donation may bng me some diseases. I agree with the first view.

Fm the above ysis, I beli that donation is a good thing, so I hope ryone can lend a ing hand.




2:献血对健康益处,We can often see that many blood donation vehicles stop at the adside to facilitate people to donate blood. Some people are happy to donate blood becse they beli their blood can others in need. Some people don't want to donate blood becse they think they may be infected with other diseases.

The reasons why people should donate blood are as follows: first of all, blood donation is good for ordinary people. Hospitals need a lot of blood for ctically ill patients and accident patients. Therefore, the hospital will store a large amount of blood in the blood bank by way of blood donation.

We can ench the blood bank and ense that Doctors have enough blood to save the lives of patients. If we continue to donate blood, we will be healthier. In this way, o hematopoietic function will be enhanced, the blood viscosity will be reduced, and the blood flow speed will be accelerated, so as to people alleviate or prnt.

Conclusion: thugh blood donation, we can not only others to a certain extent, but also be healthier.




3:献血对健康好处,Sports are good for us in many ways. There is no dou that in basketball, volleyball, football and other collective sports, exercise can enhance o physical stren. When we participate in sports competitions, we will learn the importance of cooperation.

We will try o best to win the and stimulate o competitive spit. Sports can also us relax after a peod of tiredness. Howr, as the saying goes, "rything has o sides", and sports is no exception.

If we are not careful when participating in sports activities, we may ht other athletes or oselves. Excessive or intense training will be harmful to o health. I took part in sports and told me that sports can make us physically and mentally healthy.

This is also a good way for people to understand each other As long as we are careful enough, sports can only be good for us.



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