
发布时间:2023-01-16 04:50:04 阅读:135 点赞:0

关于”校园欺凌带“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Campus bullying belt。以下是关于校园欺凌带中考英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Campus bullying belt

Betiful campus my campus is the most unforgettable place in my life. Like my mother, I love yo great campus. The fnt door of my campus has the name of a mother's school in the south, which is swaying in the sun and shining.

Walking inside is a central ad. There are many flowers on both sides. The betiful pole it is a toilet.

In the southeast corner of the southwest corner is a restrant, which is pleasant In fnt of the central ad is a teaching building, the fnt five red flags flutter acss the , behind the teaching building is the dormitory. This is the layout of my campus. I have been paying close attention to my teachers.

Sometimes I am very kind and difficult. They gave me coage. I am very grateful to them.




2:校园欺凌带,Boycott school education school is not only a place where we can learn, but also a all society. "School education" is a popular word in schools in recent years. School education has a lot of influence on us, so now many of us are bullied by school bullying.

Boycotting school education is what ryone in the school should do. Teachers should have a sense of responsibility and be seous Find out what happened to the students, and then educate and ptect them in time. We should have a sense of justice and a heart to fight against evil.

Don't be afraid. It is like a spng. If you are weak, you will be stng.

If you are stng, you will be weak. I think if we unite and fight against evil, the school will be peaceful and harmonious again.




3:校园欺凌带,School is not only a place where we can learn something, but also a all society. "School education" is a popular word in schools in recent years. School education has had a great impact on us.

Now many of us are bullied by school bullying. Boycotting school education is what ryone in the school should do. Teachers should have a sense of responsibility and seously find students We should have a sense of justice and a heart to fight against evil.

Don't be afraid. It is like a spng. If you are weak, you will be stng.

If you are stng, you will be weak. If you are stng, you will be weak. If we unite and fight against evil, the school will be peaceful and harmonious.



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