
发布时间:2023-04-08 13:19:27 阅读:121 点赞:0

关于”去海边旅行“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:A tp to the seaside。以下是关于去海边旅行专升英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A tp to the seaside

Yesterday, my clasates and I went to the beach for a picnic. We couldn't wait to gather in fnt of the school. Then we went to the beach.

We went to the betiful beach. The great sea was very happy. I had a good time: we started to have a picnic on the beach.

The students who ate well were very happy.




2:海滨之旅,Fm what you can see on the left and ght are open water and sand. Small splashes are open water and sand. Sea shell fraents are scattered on the sand.

The sand is covered with all holes. Crabs feel soft and warm when they dig in the wind. The water in the distance is not very cold.

The sun is changing fm yellow to orange, and then to the red ball hanging on the hozon. There is a long gray on the hozon The color line has been cut by the outline of a boat or a fisherman's boat. Here, poets, wters and artists try to use language and painting to capte peace and tranquility.




3:去海边旅行,It was a sunny day, warm sun and warm early summer wind. On weekends, we spend o holidays on the beach, where there are a gup of tousts and boats. We found many betiful and unique shells on the beach.

We had a comfortable sunbath and then took a lot of pictes of the coast. We all had a wonderful day and hope we can spend time like this next time on the holiday.




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