
发布时间:2023-04-04 12:30:36 阅读:364 点赞:0

关于”用推荐一款你最喜欢App“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Recommend one of yo favote apps with。以下是关于用推荐一款你最喜欢App托福英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Recommend one of yo favote apps with

Goodbye, Joe. I'm leaving. I, oh, my, he's going to pull the canoe out of the bay.

His Yvonne, the cu one, I, oh, my Oh, my gun son, we're going to have a good time in hiberdo Bay in fontain. It's a very busy place. Come and see Yvonne, dozens and dozens of fashionable clothes, rl, me, mine, mine Gun son, we're going to have a good time in the Bay tonight with crayfish pie and minced okra.

I'm going to see my mother, armio, pick a guitar, fill a fruit can, be a gun son, and we'll settle down at the mouth of the ver far fm town and have a good time. Give me a kayak, and I'll catch all the fish in the Bay in exchange for his mother to buy Yvonne the gun she needs. We'll have a good time in the Bay and come down for crayfish pie and minced okra tonight.

I'll see my mother, ameo, choose a guitar, fill a fruit jar, be a gun son, and we'll have a good time at the estuary:.





2:推荐您最喜欢应用之一,I like reading very much. Ding the holidays, I read a book. I really like it.

And this book is a book about mathemati. You know, I like mathemati, so I chose this book. But I didn't learn anything about mathemati fm this book, but I also learned other books.

For example, I know how scientists predict the weather. First of all, science Home needs to collect a lot of different data, and then they use tables to orize this information, and then they need to use meteological knowledge to yze the data. Finally, they get the weather about the fute weather, but it may be uncertain, so it is difficult to predict the weather.

I like chapter three, about , I think is mysteous, no one knows how big it is. There are a lot of pictes about craters in this chapter. It's really good.

If a big asteid hits the earth, it will be a huge disaster, but the good news for us is that the chance is very all, n if it will not happen in o lifetime. That book is English. It can impve my English.

I love it.




3:用推荐一款你最喜欢App,I like reading. My favote is childhood, which is wtten by Gorky. He is one of the most famous wters in the world.

This book is about Gorky's childhood life, which is very different fm os. She was very unfortunate, and my favote scene was when his mother told him that my favite character was Alyosha he and other people, stupid people.




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