
发布时间:2023-10-23 14:32:51 阅读:45 点赞:0

关于”货损对谁负责“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Who is responsible for the damage。以下是关于货损对谁负责雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Who is responsible for the damage

In recent years, a new definition of "leftover women" is that their families and n the society have different attitudes towards them, which makes them very angry. Howr, in western countes, due to the differences in traditional Chinese culte, no girl will be treated like this. Women should stay at home and take care of themselves.

Howr, in modern society, many girls have become independent and refuse to be housekeepers Women, they should not only focus on their families, but also psue their careers. Howr, most men still think that it is women's job to take care of their children. Therefore, girls refuse to marry.

Leftover women do not respect women. Men are regarded as golden bachelors. Women have the ght to psue what they want.

They should not judge the standard that society always sets for women by marage. They think that mared women are They are happy, but unmared women are not. Under great presse, there is no need to care about other people's ideas.

Women should be pud of their independence and live in their own way. No one will be responsible for you, only you.




2:谁对损坏负责,A conductor was about to sial his train to move when he saw a betiful girl standing on the platform next to an open door, talking to another betiful girl in the carage. "Miss," he ced, "please close the door." "Oh, I just want to kiss my sister goodbye." She called back and said, "you just close that door," called the guard, "I'll take a look at the rest.".




3:货损对谁负责,Some people think that the government should focus on reducing envinmental pollution and housing pblems to people prnt diseases and diseases. Do you agree or disagree? There is no dou that people's health will be directly or indirectly affected by the envinment and housing conditions. Whether the government should pay attention to topi about the envinment and real estate has tggered a debate.

I think individuals should take responsibility for their own well-being, rather than the government. In fact, envinmental pblems and housing conditions are the o main soces of diseases in many big cities in northern China. Haze has become a daily killer, especially in winter, which can e respiratory diseases.

If people live in poor housing conditions without any advanced health facilities, people are easily infected with viruses and bactea. Therefore, the government should give attention to these o areas Note and higher investment have power to arrange a wide range of social resoces to solve seous pblems, which does not mean that the solution to this pblem depends entirely on the government - the state is not the responsible person, but the orizer or coordinator of society - although the government can ask people to raise awareness of envinmental ptection, formulate policies, strenen envinmental mament, and invest in real estate where necessary, To some extent, public health is still a personal pblem. People have the obligation to form and maintain a healthy and positive lifestyle.

Otherwise, they will still face the threat of disease, and n the envinment and housing conditions will ntually impve. People also need to be responsible for their own happiness, bee the government is only an orizer and coordinator. The most feasible solution may be for the government to pvide a good envinment, on the other hand, the public should also psue a healthy lifestyle for themselves.




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