
发布时间:2023-04-16 10:59:54 阅读:83 点赞:0

关于”教育对成意义“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:The siificance of education to success。以下是关于教育对成意义六级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The siificance of education to success

(my view on fate) how to look at fate is not the consensus of people on fate. People think that destiny is predestined. But when he comes to this world at the same time, some people think that their own destiny is contlled by themselves.

The former always thinks that only a few people are lucky and doomed. Therefore, when the opportunity comes, they usually let it go, rather than seize the opportunity Will take effective meases to say that fate is unfair to them. On the contrary, many people say that fate is unfair to ryone.

As long as you work hard and sweat, you will be succesul and lucky, and you will enjoy a high standard of life. As the saying goes, if you sow, you will reap. I agree with you that in order to oain a 's degree, I have made great efforts on Larsen.

In other words, yo efforts and yo pgress are obvious. Fm the above discussion, we can draw the following conclusion: fate is fair to ryone, and you will achi yo goals and good life transport.




2:教育对成意义,Personality determines fate psychologist said: personality determines fate, personal ability, but personality pblems, will affect his ability. Research found that: bad ual behavior is an important reason for neusis, such as: sensitive, suspicious, stubborn, self, intverted, impatient, perfectioni, self-centered, too much attention to other people's evaluation of themselves, therefore, we should adjust oselves We should pay attention to the following aspects: first of all, learn to put yo attention on the outside world, don't pay too sensitive attention to my inner feelings, enhance self-confidence, don't take other people's evaluation ctea as action. Third, it's always better than wealth.

If you ask too much of yoself, you will nr be satiied, of cose, it's hard to be happy, some people think It's easy to say that it's difficult to adjust yo personality. You need to ask a psychologist for specific treatment and then adjust it.



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