
发布时间:2023-05-14 11:12:30 阅读:112 点赞:0

关于”过去比现在好么“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Was the past better than now。以下是关于过去比现在好么xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Was the past better than now

I plan to study English with my fends ice this summer vacation. My parents told me that we are going to Beijing this summer vacation, which makes me very excited. I beli I will have a meaningful summer vacation.




2:过去比现在好吗,Today is children's day. My father took me to the zoo. There are many kinds of animals, tiger, panda, lion, elephant, giraffe and bear.

They are different fm each other. Some are shy, some are betiful, some are interesting, some are fendly and some are lovely. But I think these animals are not happy.

They should live in the forest, becse the life in the zoo is different fm that in the forest.




3:过去比现在好么,Tiy was a maid in Babylon. She loved piramus, who lived in a nearby house since she was a child. But becse of the bad relationship beeen the o families, they are not willing to meet.

All they can do is stand on both sides of the wall and listen to each other's love. Dven by her young lover Aphdite, she decided to them. One day, to their spse, there was a all crack in the banquet.

They could talk in a low voice or n kiss each other. When the flame of love became and intense, the lovers agreed to meet under a white mulberry tree in the woods outside the city. Night fell.

It's a sneak out place, the first time at a meeting. She was looking nd for her lover when a lioness appeared. The sight of the beast's bloody jaws was enough to make the screaming girl dp her veil and run away.

The lioness didn't want to chase her, but she tore up the veil with her jaws and claws and soiled it. Heang the wild ar and shll cry, piramos rushed to the meeting hall with a sword in his hand, only to find that the lioness and the girl had gone. His eyes fell on the dirty veil, and he immediately guessed what had happened to his beloved.

In despair, he kisses the veil of the sword and s it into his chest. With a torrent of blood, tning the white mulberry tree into a deep pple, she retned to her boyfend and found him tumbling in pain. She shed tears and kisses on his cold, pale face, hoping to revive him.

He opened his eyes to speak, but death had taken him away. With the cry of anger, pilamos dpped the sword fm his sword and accompanied him in the lower world..









标签: 女孩英文名  留学生英文名  宠物英文名 

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