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关于”来自各国邮票“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Stamps fm vaous countes。以下是关于来自各国邮票初一英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Stamps fm vaous countes

General official name of Denmark: Kingdom of Denmark 12115615

9 19151920 19531949197348030173610 ℃ 717 ℃ 600 location: Denmark is located in northern Eupe, consisting of Jutland Peninsula, New Zealand islands, Funan Island, Lorraine Island, foster islands and aller islands. Its only land boundary is to the South with Germany 43094-1% 8% 3% 8% 3-7314-67578 area: square kilometers of land use arable land, permanent paste, forest and woodland, other per capita farming Land Btish acreage coastline kilometer land boundary 52932000-122720005% - 1% 2000-82000 population: population density (unit: hectare / km2 ban population gwth rate average life expectancy 502000 years capital: Copenhagen population

17 time: one ho earlier than Greenwich standard time Beijing time later language: Danish is the official language of Fae Islands 98% 2% ethnic composition: Dan More malt than other 91% 2% 7% Religion: Evangelical Lutheran Chch, Roman Catholic Chch and Pant chch other

1 = 1001 = 632000317 crency: Danish Kne = ole dollar = Kna 200111412-16519524651225-26 holidays: January (Apl

1) Apl (Easter may) (Ascension Day June (Monday to June

12) Constitution Day December (Chstmas

14 distcts and counties: The county (capital) Arhus Bornholm (boenne Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Fredeckg, Denmark, 9851120139716601849194041945519491973) was established as absolute monarchy, and a new constitution was pmulgated in the pcess of ending the absolute monarchy and establishing the constitutional monarchy. The country was occupied by the Nazi German army in Apl, until the collapse of Germany in May.

After World War II, a coalition government composed of political parties and anti German resistance movement leaders was formed. All parties took tns in power and exercised power independently or jointly. As a founding member, Denmark joined NATO in, and joined the Eupean Community in June.

Denmark is a constitutional monarchy, and the legislative power belongs to the yal family and the first house The soverei executive power of the parliament is exercised by the ministers appointed by the yal family.


丹麦一般名称:丹麦王国12115615 该国于xx月被德队占领,直到xx月德国,二战后形成了由各政党和反德抵抗运动人组成联合,各党派流执政,或联合行使权力,作为创始成员,丹麦于年加入北约,并于年月加入欧共体,丹麦是君主立宪制国家,立法权属于王室,一院制议会主权行通过王室任命大臣行使。

9 1915192019531949197348030173610℃717℃600位置:丹麦位于北欧,由德兰半岛、新西兰群岛、富南岛、洛兰岛组成,福斯特群岛和更小岛屿它唯一陆地边界是南面与德国接壤43094-1%8%3%8%3-7314-67578面积:平方公里土地利用耕地、永久牧场、森林和林地,其他人均耕地英亩数海岸线公里土地边界52932000-122720005%-1%2000-82000人口:人口密度(单位:公顷/平方公里城市人口增长率平均预期寿命50xx年首都:哥哈根人口17时间:比格林尼治标准时间早一小时北京时间晚语言:丹麦语为法罗群岛语言法罗群岛98%2%构成:丹麦语多于其他91%2%7%:福音派路德教会罗马和新教其他1=1001=632000317货币:丹麦克朗=奥勒-美元=克朗200111412-16519524651225-26节假:xx月(xx月1)xx月(复活节xx月(总祈祷xx月)(xx月(星期一至xx月12)宪法xx月(圣诞节14个行政区县:县(首都)Arhus Bornholm(Boenne Copenhagen(哥哈根弗雷德里克斯堡在丹麦,9851120139716601849194041945519491973被定为绝对君主制,在结束绝对君主制和建立君主立宪制过程中颁布了新宪法。


2:各国邮票,Today, when I was watching the news on the Internet, I saw a very interesting news, which immediately attracted my attention. The news covers all kinds of food in cans in different countes. I think of my can.

The students have been complaining that there are always students who are not satiied with the can of their school. So I am very cuous about the cans abad. After bwsing all the pictes, I am spsed to find that the food in o restaant is very delicious.

The food in the United States and Btain has meat and some ded vegetables, while the food in Asian countes like Japan and South Korea The food looks delicious after seeing these pictes. I realized that the food in o can is not so bad. We have food to eat, and the food selection is balanced, which s to keep healthy.




3:来自各国邮票,In Btain, on New Year's Eve, there must be wine bottles and meat in cupboards. They beli that if there is no wine and meat left over, poon will join in the next year. The custom of "well water" is also popular in Btain.

People rush to get water and think that the first one to dnk water is a happy person. The French think that the weather on New Year's Day heralds the new year's east wind and fruit Harvest year, westerly harvest, fishing and milking. When the north wind blows, it will be a rainy year.

The harvest year of new year's Day is not enough. Spanish parents are especially kind. They will meet all the needs of their children.

They think that children's sweang, fighting and crying are bad omens. Most Spaniards carry a gold or copper coin with them for good luck. The first thing for Belgians in the new year is to give them Happy New Year's day, the German just climbed into the chair.

At midnight on New Year's Eve, they jumped out of the chair and threw a heavy object behind the chair. In order to show off the disaster, they jumped into the new year's day. In addition, they put some scales in their wallets, becse the scale is the mascot of the new year It means money is lling.



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