
发布时间:2023-04-16 16:32:12 阅读:102 点赞:0

关于”我最喜欢季节“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:My favote season。以下是关于我最喜欢季节考研英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My favote season

My favote season is tumn. When tumn comes, the leaves begin to tn red and yellow. The weather is very cool.

Many people wear scarves. People also go for a walk in the park. The apples tn red.

People really enjoy tumn. For example, they eat dinner in restrants. They get together to dnk tea.

They are so happy. I also like my favote season. Autumn Mid Autumn Festival is also in tumn.

It's like tumn my favote season Which season is my favote season? You know what? Let me tell you my favote season is winter. It's the coldest season of the year. When the wind blows, we have to wear a lot of warm clothes.

You have to wear gloves and hats. When you go to the windy winter, it's also very interesting. You can't see betiful flowers or green grass, but when it snows, you can and yo fends If you make snowman together, you can have a snowball fight.

I like Besto (∩) OO (∩) O (∩) O in winter.




2:我最喜欢季节,(my favote season) Hello ryone, can you tell me yo favote season? Now let me tell you my favote season. I like tumn best among all the seasons. Becse the Mid Autumn Festival is in this season, I can watch a circle of betiful moon.

I like looking for Chang'e. this year, I will be at school with my clasates and teachers. We will eat moon cakes and watch movies It's also the National Day in tumn.

We don't have classes. I can stay at home and watch TV. I can relax.

I don't have to go to bed on time. I can get up late. The weather in tumn is neither too hot nor too cold.

It's cool and sunny. I can travel outside. It's exciting.

I like tumn very much. How about you.




3:我最喜欢季节,There are fo seasons in a year. My favote season is spng. The sun is red.

The sky is blue. The clouds are white. The trees tn green in spng.

There are flowers rywhere. Birds come back fm the South and sing all day long. Everything comes back to life again.

The mountains tn green and the water tns green. The children fly kites happily. This is a betiful season.



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