
发布时间:2023-10-10 09:22:48 阅读:75 点赞:0

关于”朋友间一件事“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:One thing beeen fends。以下是关于朋友间一件事高一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:One thing beeen fends

Dear Mary, thank you for telling me about yo Chinese teacher. I think he has a good sense of humor. Now let me tell you something about my English teacher, Miss Li.

My English teacher is this year old. She has a betiful appearance, tall, slim body, full of vitality. Her favote color: blue, like reading, traveling, personality characi: enthusia, patience, achiment: first class in last year's math con What do you think of my English teacher.




2:朋友之间有一件事,We had a good time. The National Day is coming. My family and I went to Xiamen.

We went there by plane. We went to Gulanu and Jinbang park. We took a lot of photos, ate delicious food, went shopping and climbed mountains.

We stayed there for fo days, and then retned to o home. We had a good time at home. How about yo national day Did you have a good time like us.




3:朋友间一件事,There are so many unforgettable things happened in my high school life. One of the things I will nr forget is that one day I was late only bee I got up late. We all know that being late in school is not a good habit.

If we are late, we will miss many teachers' words in the company. If we are always late, we may be fired by o boss O salray may be damaged by being late. We can see that being late will not e any physical or psychological harm to anyone, nor will it e harm to the law.

Therefore, it is against the law to regard "lateness" as any type of "pblem" to avoid being late again. First, I will buy an alarm clock and tune it o or three times to wake me up. Secondly, I will ask my parents to wake me up on the third morning, leave early and avoid the rush ho, so that n if something unexpected happens, I can arve at school on time.

I'm sorry for being late. I pmise not to be late again. Please forgive me for my sincere apolo.





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