
发布时间:2023-07-01 10:41:08 阅读:66 点赞:0



In accordance with yo instructions of May

6 in yo favo, in accordance with yo instructions of May

6, in accordance with yo instructions in yo letter of last month, in accordance with yo instructions of May

10, I will wte to you, and my next details will be below. I will be in the following details. I will inform you in detail below that my next I will enter my next A detail is shown in the attachment below, and you will find the back page shown on the next page, as shown below, as the attached drawing, as shown in the attached document, as descbed in the previous letter, on the attached sheet.

The telegram you just received is very difficult to understand. Please reply after receiving this telegram to explain yo meaning clearly. Yo telegram is not clear.

Please explain the third and foth words of the telegram. Please repeat yo telegram in easy to understand language. It is not clear to repeat the agreed code.

We can not understand the code used in the descption of yo telegram and yo telegram is not used according to the agreement If the password is correct, we can't trace the password you used. Please repeat the telegram in words. Yo telegram is too short to understand.

Please repeat it in detail. The telegram was vague and meaningless, and they asked them to explain it in plain language.




2:商业,Contract date Contract No.: the buyer and the seller this contract is sied by the buyer and the seller. The buyer agrees to pchase and the Seller agrees to sell the following goods according to the following terms and conditions: commodity name, quantity, unit pce, total pce and packing ogin. In addition to the claim made by the insance company or the shipowner, if the quality specification or quantity is found to be inconsistent with the contract, it shall be within days after the arval of the goods at the port of destination The buyer has the ght to claim against the seller for force majee on the stren of the inspection certificate and relevant documents issued by the China Commodity Inspection Be.

The Seller shall not be responsible for the delay in shipment or non delivery of the goods due to force majee that may occ ding the pcess of shipment. Ding the pcess of manufacting, loading or transportation, the Seller shall immediately notify the buyer of the above-mentioned nts. The Seller shall send the accident acceptance certificate to the buyer by air mail within

14 days.

In this case, the seller is still obliged to take all necessary meases to accelerate the delivery and arbitration of the goods All diss related to the execution of this contract may be submitted to the Arbitration Commission of China Council for the pmotion of arbitration. According to the pvisional rules of Pcede pmulgated by the International Trade Arbitration Commission, the Arbitration Commission shall be final and binding on both parties, and the arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party.




3:买卖,Afee5aeb http://wwwfocusenglishcom/dialogues/shopping/beingedhtml Karen walks into a boutique and she wants to buy a scarf. Sales Association: Hi, can I you? Karen: No, I'm not interested. I'm interested in some scarf sales associations: all of o scarves are in this area.

You think this one is made of silk. Karen: Well, it looks good, but I want something warm for the winter sales Association: maybe you'll want a heavy wool scarf. How about this one? Karen: I think this is what I want fm the sales association Pce: 75 dollars plus tax.

Karen: it's a little expensive. You think it's possible to get a discount. Sales Association: Well, since you like it, how about one? The best discount I can offer is a few percent.

Karen: good. Can you wrap it for me? Sales Assistant: of cose, is there anything else I can give you? Karen: No, that should be all. Thank you.



标签: 大企业英文名  女孩英文名  小女孩英文名  宠物英文名 

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