
发布时间:2023-10-29 14:42:02 阅读:36 点赞:0

关于”跨文化交际版“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Css cultal communication Edition。以下是关于跨文化交际版高一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Css cultal communication Edition

Spng Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid Autumn Festival, Valentine's day, Easter, Apl Fool's day, Chstmas, a person's best fend, love me, love my dog 110 times thank you. This is ××× saying that I am ××: that is ××× saying: are you talking about bread http://sophiaecom/html.




2:跨文化交流版,Jiang Anshi applied for a job as a comr pgrammer in a large forei-funded comr company. Becse he has good qualifications and ch expeence in comr, he thinks he is likely to get the job. Three people interviewed him.

At the beginning, they asked him about his qualifications and expeence. Howr, an interviewer asked him whether he could work in a team. Jiang Anshi was spsed by this question, but he said that he was asked why he was interested in the job.

He explained that the job was very suitable for him becse he had done similar work, and then he explained that the salary was better than his crent salary. Finally, he was asked what his own pblems were. He did not know that Jiang Anshi thought he had done well when he left the interview, but he did not get the job.

Later, it was found that succesul job seekers had less expeence than he had yzed.




3:跨文化交际版,There are fo results in o cultes: A or B or both or neither. A person can only communicate in one culte. A or B if one communicates with anything fm B in a, it is an obstacle.

If a person communicates with anything fm a in B, it is an obstacle - there is no css-cultal thing, but there is only one cultal thing if one It depends on whether a is a person in cultal communication or not. It's hard for B to be a person in cultal life.



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