
发布时间:2023-12-24 16:28:31 阅读:27 点赞:0

关于”工作申请“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Job application。以下是关于工作申请专升英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Job application

Dear Mr. / MS: Thank you for yo valuable time to read this letter. Yo advertisement in the newspaper has sed my interest becse the position you descbe sounds exactly the kind of job I am looking for.

As I have just graduated, I beli that the combination of my practical work expeence and solid education expeence will enable me to make direct contbutions to yo company. I am familiar with the plan Comr operation includes that I have a good body suitable for any hard work, and look forward to having a convenient time when we can meet to fther discuss my backgund related to yo needs,.




2:求职申请,Considerable, confident, suitable, very happy, grateful, especially the opportunity, position, application, good at, permission, willing, offer, consideng that AI learned fm / newspaper that yo company wants to join, I was told that CI just saw in the newspaper that yo company needed ADI's opportunity to wte to inqe. If I am wting to apply for the position that GI knows, I will wte to inqu Re learned fm yo advertisement that you need a.




3:工作申请,I am crently looking for a job in which my expeence will make a positive contbution to the start-up or sustainable pfitability of my expeenced enterpses. I am an innovative achiment. I feel that in a gwing industry like cable TV, I need a representative who can compete with and defeat competitors.

I think I have the success for any company All the necessary factors to contbute, if necessary, I am willing to step back, as long as I have the potential to move forward, rything I need is a starting point After

15 years as a regional sales , I am looking for new job opportunities and forwarding my resume to you for consideration. I am planning to move permanently to qiqiqi distct by the end of summer. I am submitting my resume to consider where I can use my expeence and education in accounting to achi mutual benefit This position, please.



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