
发布时间:2023-10-12 04:55:07 阅读:33 点赞:0

关于”长假好坏“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Whether the long holiday is good or bad。以下是关于长假好坏雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Whether the long holiday is good or bad

Money talks, nonsense. Money can make black white, ght and wng wng, irrational and ugly become betiful. This is the true portrayal of Mark's satical novel "million pounds" and "million pounds".

It mainly descbes a poor and honest Amecan Adams who was traveling by boat and lost his way. He was a Btish ship to rescue Adams. At that time, he was penniless and bke Fm then on, his her said that he would not be able to live a life of millions of pounds for his her, and then he said that he would not be able to live a life of millions of pounds And Adams, and then ate free food, free clothes, and finally stayed in a free hotel.

He found a job with a million pounds, mared a betiful wife, and lived a happy life. Mark Twain used delicate techniques and sharp character descption, which fully reflected the greedy and mercenary quality of mammoni. In the "million pounds", that Some gods of wealth beli that money is rything.

Money is rything. But I don't think money is rything. Money can buy medicine but not health.

Money can buy books, but not knowledge. Money can buy all things, but can't buy life. But they can't go back to the diified Office of Tao Ci, who lives in a quiet village Nanshan's "independent Zhou Enlai refused to corrupt the officialdom.

Only the ascetic Wang Mian who was" muddy but not stained "was indifferent to fame and wealth, leaving behind the story of" not boasting about lust, only leaving the fresh air flying all over the sky ". They learned to refuse the temptation of money and fame and wealth. They are all o models.

Therefore, the eternal money is not omnipotent. It is a double-edged sword. You want to become money Master, make good use of it to benefit the society, but if you make money yo , it will desty yo life.




2:长假是好是坏,There are many advertisements for children, such as snacks, toys and other commodities. Parents think that children are under great presse. Advertisers claim that advertisements pvide useful information, discuss the views of both sides, and give their own views.

Bee children gw up to be the target gup of advertising industry, there are many kinds of advertisements for children, which have ed some diss in the society. People who advocate children's advertising communication beli that children's advertising is very popular Advertising can make potential consumers have a comprehensive understanding of the pducts they publicize. It can consumers make a wise pchase decision.

Bee TV advertising can present goods in visual and ditory ways, it can undouedly impve people's understanding of the advertised goods. On the other hand, it can also impve people's awareness of some electnic toys or new food pducts. Parents should be responsible for this Children are easy to be attracted by vivid advertisements on the Internet or on TV.

Therefore, children will pester their parents to buy the obvious goods in advertisements. Children are a consumer gup that does not distinguish beeen good and bad and distinguish beeen ght and wng. If they beli in the benefits of advertisements, they will not consider the negative factors of advertisements and will not fther explore the thenticity of advertisements The presse of the elderly is another point that needs to be mentioned here.

Extensive advertising activities will overbden the public, which means that there will always be some parents and children to buy advertising goods. Therefore, some psychological factors of children may pmote some people to oain pducts. Although they may not need commodities, the advertisements themselves contain a lot of information, if the advertising industry can get good results And children are supervised while watching advertisements, so they don't have to worry about the side effects of widespread advertising.




3:长假好坏,I don't know about cloning, but I don't know much about human cloning. If this is just a positive and negative argument, what's , there is no precedent in the past. After all, it belongs to a kind of life.

Fm now on, what has he cloned? Fm the fute, to the end, there will be any pblems. Without it, I just think about yzing the reasons for human cloning Bee there are too many unknown factors in it, it means that there is a great sk in cloning human beings. It is the first time for science and ethi to argue that cloning human beings is meaningless.

Bee you should not say that the laboratory is early. It is similar to the bomb. There are inevitably some bo of power.

You know, but the clone power laboratory has no results, so yes In this unknown, all area of cloning, when human cloning challenges the traditional ethi and morality of human repduction, if we don't know whether it is good or bad, it is conservative. The pgress of human cloning will inevitably lead to the loss of ethi, and the loss of ethi is the destruction of society. We should grasp the relationship beeen ethi and mateal, and the relationship beeen ethi and mateal, such as the spit always dominates It is the basis of social operation, one is ot, the other is shooting, the other is discmination and hospitality can be.



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