
发布时间:2023-04-14 10:52:11 阅读:292 点赞:0

关于”西部支教看法“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Views on supporting education in Western China。以下是关于西部支教看法xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Views on supporting education in Western China

Advantages: we advocate that we should make use of o leise time to do public welfare undertakings. After all, we all live in the svival and dlopment of this society, which is the first. If we blindly o children and neglect o lovers and family members, we should not and should o children's families.

If it is and , such as pviding subsidies to children's living, will parents also eat their children The poor children of my parents are also my parents' big and big children. It is suggested that a certain subsidy model be given to the family: how many social gups are there now? In one person's education mode, we are the same. But before the actual operation, we found a pblem: the first time the students concentrate on money, for example: students have time and ener, and there is no money.

On the contrary, workers have Some money, but becse of their work, they don't have much time and ener. They all want to express the public's demands. Then, uniting them is a solution.

The other way is to strenen the communication beeen the aid gups, let the aided children spend longer time, share their presse, reduce ener use time, and mateal integration spit: we must pay attention to poverty, Spitual ll: maybe we don't know, but for frustration, it's also the same truth, either hard work or depression. Due to the poor children, family backgund and other reasons, there may be a kind of infeoty complex, which requires us to give spitual guidance and , and take good care of the crutches of their gwth pnciple: we are like the crutches of patients, o ppose is to Do we have no dependence on ing them to be healthy, or other health to abandon us? Remember that we are always only ing fate to change or relying on oselves to be fends: only the dialogue beeen fends is sincere, rather than the relationship beeen the giver and the recipient, so it is easy to have a sense of diity and give people a feeling of being unable to be intimate Feeling close::,:,:::.




2:关于支持西部教育几点看法,Unlike most western countes, tap water in China is not dnkable until it is boiled. Hotel oms are usually equipped with a dnking fountain, which can pvide cold and hot dnking water. Howr, some hotels do not have water dispensers, but are equipped with water heaters or hot water bottles.

You can use the water heater to boil water or directly use the water heater. In most Chinese restaants, water is pvided free of charge before meals. Although some restaants will pvide tea or noodle soup, n though the water is not dnkable, when you go out, you don't have to worry about whether you will find water becse in the Bottled water is easy to buy in shops all over China.




3:西部支教看法,In my opinion, with the dlopment of the western region, and students voluntaly become teachers in the western region. Volunteer teaching in the western region is beneficial to both the volunteers themselves and the children in the West. On the one hand, volunteers can benefit a lot fm their volunteer teaching and children in slums.

They will feel pud, a sense of achiment and learn to live in underdloped areas. They will enhance their life skills, get d of the habit of extravace and waste, and establish a safety concept as volunteers. They will enjoy the happiness of contbuting to the society, which is good On the one hand, children receiving education can also benefit a lot fm it, which not only pvides them with the opportunity to receive education and impves their understanding, but also bngs them attention and warmth to a certain extent.

Volunteers set a good example for these children in terms of contbutions to the society. In addition to the above benefits, volunteer teaching is also an important means to impve the ll of national education and realize educational equity. In short, volunteer teaching in the western region will bng many benefits in many aspects, so we should encoage students to participate in it.




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