
发布时间:2023-01-18 15:18:06 阅读:94 点赞:0

关于”有关旅游消费“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:About toi consumption。以下是关于有关旅游消费高二英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About toi consumption

The rapid dlopment of China's socialist economy is like a high-speed truck. Howr, the vast number of people are spsed to find that and fake and shoddy pducts seously hinder the dlopment of China's economy. Consumers must be careful when pchasing goods and s.

What they need is, otherwise they will fall into the trap set by the illegal manufacters of fake and shoddy pducts Well. There is no dou that fake and shoddy pducts first harm people's health and lead to many injy accidents. For example, infeor drugs will not only aggravate the patient's condition.

Secondly, fake and shoddy pducts are often sold at a low pce, which affects the normal economic order of o country and the of many high-quality commodities. To a great extent, it hinders the dlopment of China's socialist . Therefore, we can It is said that fake and shoddy pducts are a cancer in China's healthy economy and must be eradicated as soon as possible.

In my opinion, sral effective meases should be taken to crack down on fake and shoddy pducts. On the one hand, the people who make fake and shoddy pducts should be srely punished. On the other hand, due to the increasingly complex , consumers often face deception.

Although there are laws to ptect consumers, there are not enough law enforcers To cover all the disadvantages of the , so consumers should learn how to distinguish the true fm the false. Can they ptect their legitimate ghts and interests.




2:关于旅游消费,Students should focus on learning, which should be the top poty on their agenda. It is meaningful to have correct values to achi impressive academic results. We college students must make up their minds to study, pay no attention to fashion and keep up with Jones' pace.

As a result, the attention of learning is inevitably distracted, and college students are easily affected by commercial publicity activities 。 They are the main target of advertising. We should compete with o peers for better academic achiments rather than expensive brand-name clothing.




3:有关旅游消费,Amecans with a fast pace of life usually just take a bite. Fast food restaants pvide people at large with a vaety of food fm fed chicken to fed ce, micwave dinner and instant food. This makes it easy to cook at home.

One of the most common Amecan fast food is sandwiches beeen o side bags. Amecans may make sandwiches with peanut butter and jelly Many people eat too many unhealthy snacks, but others choose healthier eating habits. Some n "go all out" and "natally" refuse to eat any food made with chemicals or additives.



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