
发布时间:2024-04-02 05:34:10 阅读:14 点赞:0

关于”我低碳生活结尾“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The end of my low carbon life。以下是关于我低碳生活结尾考研英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The end of my low carbon life

With the deteoration of the global envinment, and people choose Guo's "low carbon life", that is, reducing carbon emissions, low ener consumption and low consumption. Take me as an example. I go to school by bike ry morning, which can not only exercise but also reduce the damage to the envinment.

Going to the super to buy things and wash hands with my shopping bag has increased a lot of fun. I don't usually take the elevator when I go home, Step upstairs, I found that this is a good way to lose weight, so order o envinment, order for oselves, please join in low-carbon life.




2:我低碳生活终结,An activity about low-carbon life. At present, o school is carrying out an activity with the theme of "action to change the world and advocate low-carbon life". In this activity, we are asked to go to school or other places by bike or walk as much as possible, instead of taking the bus.

When Chstmas comes, send a departe card, not a wooden tple card as we know, but to make good use of both sides of each piece of paper to save water and electcity. I beli that only in this way can we have a better living envinment.




3:我低碳生活结尾,As we all know, o envinment is getting worse and worse. Low carbon life is and popular. Low carbon life is of great use to us.

It can save ener and reduce pollution. It can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide, which is the main cse of greenhouse effect. Therefore, we should first of all live a low carbon life.

When we go out, we should take a bus or bike instead of dving a car. It not only emits carbon dioxide, but also wastes ener. We are the best Don't use plastic bags that will bng white pollution.

We should use envinmental ptection bags. Planting trees is of great use. Trees can absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

Finally, we should start with all things. Therefore, as students, we should tn off the lights when we leave, tn off the tap in time, reuse o textbooks, etc.




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