
发布时间:2023-12-26 04:52:43 阅读:29 点赞:0

关于”世界上最好看“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The best in the world。以下是关于世界上最好看小升初英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The best in the world

(the best parents in the world) my parents work in the same factory. They like their work very much. My father has worked there for about

20 years.

He is very busy fm morning till night. He goes to work at

6:30 bee the factory is far away fm my home. He comes home at

9:00 p.m.

I think he is working hard. My mother is a doctor in the factory, who works hard and is very patient with the workers. She often tells the workers to do exercise, but she herself is not very well.

She often gets sick and takes a lot of medicine. I want to say to her, "Mom, don't be so tired." My parents love me deeply. They are the best parents in the world.




2:世界上最好,Born in March in heier, Germany, an Amecan scientist, leek music was born in Pnceton, USA on March, and was a well-trained violinist. He graduated fm the Federal University of technolo in Zuch and received a Swiss book. His early histocal achiments in the Swiss Polytechnic Be were cared forward here as deputy to the Physi Department of Zuch University At the invitation of K and valetti, Pfessor Hitler retned to Germany to let Hitler, the president of the Royal Graduate School of physi and pfessor of Berlin University, was a Jew when Einstein came to power.

He was persecuted and forced to immigrate to Pnceton to become an Amecan citizen. After reting, he put forward special relativity and general relativity in Einstein's distinction and reinterpreted it The basic concept of physi, modified Newton's mechani, replaced the traditional theory of universal gravitation, and made the estimation of physical theory accate. Einstein and Newton are giants in the history of physi.




3:世界上最好看,O neighbors used to be quiet. Recently, something strange happened to o neighbors, and ryone was very unhappy. When a local newspaper interviewed a local teacher, he said: "ry night we hear strange sounds outside the window.

My wife thinks it may be an animal, but my fends and I think it must be a young man who asked my parents to call the police, but they can't find anything strange. They think it may be the wind. I don't think so." what is it.



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