
发布时间:2024-04-11 12:28:56 阅读:20 点赞:0

关于”推销手机“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Selling mobile phones。以下是关于推销手机四级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Selling mobile phones

This is the la model of Nokia. It has a large color screen and a lot of multimedia functions, such as taking pictes, video shooting and MP3 playing. You can also download video or music fm yo comr to its memory card so that you can enjoy it on yo phone.

It can communicate with other mobile phones via Bluetooth technolo. In short, it has rything you can think of, You really shouldn't miss it.




2:手机,Now mobile phones are and popular. We can take mobile phones to any place becse they are very useful. As we know, the centy is a modern era full of information.

Mobile phones are one of the fas tools for us to exchange information. Mobile phones are fashionable and practical inventions. So we should make full use of them.

If there is an accident, we can dial them immediately There are also some mobile phone s. I think when we are tired of learning, we can relax oselves by playing s. Now mobile phones are and popular, and there are some s in mobile phones.

So I think we should make good use of it. This mobile phone can not only call others, but also play s. We can call for immediately, For example, the centy is an era full of information.

If an accident happens suddenly, we can take the mobile phone to any place. In this way, we can know that the mobile phone is a fashionable and practical invention. We can relax oselves.

We are tired of o learning by playing them. Mobile phone is one of the fas tools for us to exchange information. My phone number is becse it is very useful.




3:推销手机,With the dlopment of science and technolo, today we live in a high-tech world. People seem to be inseparable fm comrs and art phones. Once there is no artphone in hand for a peod of time, when I chat with fends on the table, they seem to lose their direction and feel some missing in life.

I find that they always play with artphones or check S, although we have been face to face Sitting on the gund, but we are so far away fm each other. High tech has bught isolation beeen people. Some people don't visit their parents and fends often becse they beli that one phone can solve rything.

Face to face communication is much important than a phone call. Some people should put down their artphones for a while while communicating with others.



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