
发布时间:2024-04-04 11:30:36 阅读:19 点赞:0

关于”生活中难忘是“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The unforgettable thing in life is。以下是关于生活中难忘是小学英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The unforgettable thing in life is

"In the big world, nothing is too strange. I think:" if a child is eight weeks old, it should be better. "If there are eight weeks, I want to relax, continue to play freely, watch TV, play toys, go out for a walk, play bton ry day.

What the school can't do will add sn days of not sleeping well, listening to music, reading books, and forgetting to listen to mom all day Mother asked: "wte Chinese homework, do math, Chinese and the sun." if there are eight weeks, I hope it will be the second children's day. It's a good day to play cartoons. Children sit in the park.

You can stay at home and play all day, watch TV all day, and eat delicious children's day all day. If there are eight weeks left, I hope all the children will have their birthdays, put on betiful clothes, and be in Mai When Lao celebrates coming into this house to talk about how leisely he is in that house. Sitting on a ship, you can go to the museum and buy a book as my best birthday present.

If it's eight or eight weeks a week, I hope it's a fantasy that I've become a pnce and a witch. The whole city is immersed in fantasy, imagining that he's gwn up, becoming a man and dreaming of his own Wings, flying high, I'm talking about the day ahead, going to Mars to see how exciting it is, this day has a lot of fun, I hope this is the longest day and week, nr.




2:生活中令人难忘事情是,Saving water means saving oselves. We know that we can't live without water. For example, you can live without food for a few days, but if you live without water, you can only live for a few days, just like people can't eat three days, but without water, I can't stand people wasting water, becse we can use less and less water.

If there is no water in the world, we all have food, The world will become a desert, and all life will die, including o human beings. I think you can flush the toilet or water the flowers with dirty water, so there is only one earth.




3:生活中难忘是,I have a neighbor who likes listening to music very much. But the volume of music is too loud, which affects my work and life. I can't learn well.

I'm very angry about this. So I decided to find my neighbor to solve this pblem. Finally, he apologized for me.



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