
发布时间:2024-01-15 14:50:58 阅读:418 点赞:0

关于”介绍针灸“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Intduction to Chinese acupuncte and moxibustion。以下是关于介绍针灸xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduction to Chinese acupuncte and moxibustion

Kung Fu or Kung Fu or Kung Fu Pinyin: G ō ngfu) is a Chinese term, which is often used by English speakers to refer to Chinese martial arts. Its oginal meaning is somewhat different. It refers to a person's expertise in any skill, not necessaly martial arts.

The literal meaning of "Chinese martial arts" should be zh ō nggu ó w ǔ sh ù. Kung Fu can refer to any skill. G ō ngfu is a compound word of o words( G ō ng) means "achiment" or "achiment", and (f ū) is translated into "man", so it literally means "human achiment".

Its connotation is that in Chinese, when G ō ng and f ū are combined together, the second word is often neutral. In this case, G ō ngfu is formed. Martial arts practice not only refers to the practice of martial arts, but also refers to the cultivation of body and mind The pcess of learning and impving one's skills, not training what.

It refers to outstanding achiments achid thugh long-term practice. You can say that a person's Kung Fu is good at cooking, or someone has calligraphy skills. To say that a person has Kung Fu in a certain field means that he has skills in that field.

Trying to cultivate a "bad Kung Fu" person just doesn't invest enough time and ener in training, or seems to lack the motivation to do so. Kungfu is also a name of Fujian tea ceremony (Kungfu was not widely used in the sense of "Chinese martial arts" until the th centy, so this word should be the first reported in jeos Joseph Mae amio, a French Jesuit missionary. This word is rare in mainstream English in this centy.

It was not until later years that Bruce Lee became popular becse of Hong Kong films. Later, the TV sees "Kung Fu before Kung Fu" was mainly called "Chinese boxing" in the contemporary hacker culte. In the contemporary hacker culte, Kung Fu is generalized as a suffix, which means that adding a suffix involves a lot of skill or effort.

For example, we can talk about "scpt Kung Fu" to refer to complex scpts. It is not known whether this is consciously based on the oginal, bader meaning of the word, or whether it is a word , against the less common western concept of "Kung Fu.".






2:针灸概论,Acupuncte and moxibustion is a technique of ing fine filamentous needles into specific acupoints of the body to reli pain or achi theutic pposes. The term "acupuncte" comes fm Latin acupuncte, "needle" and "acupuncte". According to traditional Chinese medical theory, acupoints are located on the medians, and Qi is along the medians.

There is no known anatomical or histological basis for the existence of medians. According to the consensus statement of NIH on acupuncte and moxibustion, modern acupuncte literate regards them as useful ideas in clinical practice. These traditional concepts of traditional Chinese medicine "are very difficult to be compared with contemporary students Howr, it still plays an important le in the evaluation of acupuncte patients and the formulation of treatment plans.

The earliest wtten record of acupuncte and moxibustion is the Huangdi Neijing (Huangdi Neijing), which indicates that acupuncte oginated in China, which also explains why acupuncte and moxibustion are most often practiced and tght nd the world with traditional Chinese medicine (different types of acupuncte and moxibustion in China, Japan, Tibet, Vietnam and South Korea). Since the end of the centy, acupuncte has been an active scientific research topic. Its effect and application are still contversial beeen Western medical researchers and clinicians, becse it is a pcede rather than a pill.

This is a contl study desi, which is very challenging, just like sgery and other operations.





3:介绍针灸,China is one of the oldest civilizations in the world and one of the oldest countes with sustainable dlopment of civilization. Archaeological evidence goes back many years. After it missed the industal revolution, impealist, war, civil war and communist governments destyed the country and its economic and economic policies for most of the 1920s, changing the country and it once again a major power.

China is regarded as the birthplace of many great inventions, and it is also one of the oldest wtten language s in the world.



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