
发布时间:2024-01-26 02:00:20 阅读:41 点赞:0

关于”签合同“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:si a contract。以下是关于签合同中考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:si a contract

Title preamble date and place of siing the parties and their nationalities, the pncipal place of business or residence is the company formally orized and existing by the competent thoties of both parties in accordance with the laws of XXX / preamble, or in view of article article institution definition clse basic conditions general terms and conditions a term B termination C force majee D traner e applicable law g arbitration of jusdiction h notice I amendment J other witness clse end judent siing Seal.





3 terms and conditions of this contract, Article

3 and Article

4 of the contract shall come into force after the legal representatives or their thozed agents of both parties si and affix their official seals on this contract, which have the same legal effect as A and B. the other party is to perform relevant legal pcedes. A: B: legal representative (or thozed representative): legal representative (or thozed representative): legal representative (or thozed representative): A: B: legal representative (or thozed representative): legal representative (or thozed representative): A: B: legal representative (or thozed representative): Legal.




3:签合同,When can we get the contract? We can have it ready in a few days. Can you speed up and send it to us today, in case the contract is not ready by tomorw afternoon, we will mail it to you for siate. This is o contract.

Please read it carefully. We think all the terms should conform to the common agreement. What's yo opinion on this clse? We have no dou about these terms.

You don't think that if one party fails to perform the contract, I will We should add this sentence here, and the other party has the ght to cancel it. Do you have any questions? It basically contains all the agreements we have reached in the negotiations. Please check all the terms listed in the contract to see if there is any discrepancy with the terms we have agreed.

I agree with the terms of packing and shipping marks. Do you have any questions? Regarding this clse, we have reached an agreement on all the terms. Let me check my notes.

When will the contract be ready for siate? We hope to si it by next Monday. You have a French contract. Yes, we do.

Would you please si yo name here. For you, let's congratulate us on o transaction It was succesully completed.




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