
发布时间:2023-10-17 17:08:22 阅读:285 点赞:0

关于”介绍达尔文“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Intduce Darwin。以下是关于介绍达尔文中考英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce Darwin

Moscow is the capital and largest city of Russia, the largest metpolitan area in Eupe, and one of the largest cities in the world. Moscow is a major political, economic, cultal, religious, financial and educational center of Russia and the world As of the census, it is located on the Moscow River in the central federal distct and histocally in the Eupean part of Russia. It was once the capital of the former Soviet Union, the Russian Empire, the Russian Tsar and the Grand Duchy of Moscow.

It is a site of the Kremlin in Moscow and one of the World Hetage sites of the city It is the official residence of the Russian President, the Russian Parliament (the State Duma and the Federal Council) and the Russian government are also located in Moscow, a major economic center and one of the countes with the largest number of billies in the world. Moscow has been rated as the most expensive forei city in the world for the third year in a w. It is home to many scientific and educational institutions as well as many sports facilities.

It has a complex transportation , including international airports and railway hubs. It is the second busiest subway in the world (after Tokyo). It is famous for its architecte and art.

It is the busiest single Met in the world. A person fm Moscow is called a Muscovite in English and a Muscovite in Russian.





2:介绍达尔文,The theory of evolution is Darwin's thought. He thinks that the ogin of life is fm inoric matter to oric matter, to a single living cell, and then to multiple cells. He thinks that human beings have evolved fm the ape, but we know that life is actually complete, and it is impossible to confirm the weight thugh scientific expements.

Therefore, we can only accept it thugh faith That is to say, beli in evolution and Creationi should also beli in faith.




3:介绍达尔文,The Lancang River in China, or the longest ver in Southeast Asia, oginates in eastern Tibet, flows southward thugh the highlands of Yunnan Pvince, and then forms part of the border beeen Myanmar (Myanmar) and Laos. Beeen Laos and Thailand, it flows thugh Laos and Cambodia, and then enters the China Sea in a delta south of Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. On its shore, it has a len of 10000 Elephant and Phnom Penh, downstream of which is about one third of the total population of Cambodia, Laos and Thailand, Vietnam has lnched the Mekong River dlopment pject at the United Nations, an international effort to use the Mekong ver for power generation and irgation.



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