
发布时间:2023-06-22 10:40:26 阅读:80 点赞:0

关于”写记“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:keep a diary。以下是关于写记小学英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:keep a diary

Keeping a diary in English is one of the effective ways to impve o English wting ability. Compared with other wting forms, it is shorter and takes less time. If we keep practicing and gradually learn how to express oselves in English and keep a diary in English, it can us dlop the habit of thinking in English.

First, we will inevitably encounter many difficulties. We often find it difficult to find suitable words to express o thoughts. Second, there are many idiomatic expressions in Chinese, so it is difficult for us to translate them into English pperly We may encounter some other obstacles in wting a diary in English.

As far as I'm concerned, my suggestion is that we should keep a notebook and a Chinese English dictionary at all times. Whenr something beats us, we can wte it down in the notebook and look it up in the dictionary. We can also use the of English teachers.

If necessary, in short, keeping a diary in English is very ful to impve o wting ability. Words effective adjectives consult vt

1、 for example, there is no effective way to exist

2、 to cultivate vt for example, to cultivate seeds of wisdom and truth

3、 to advocate inevitably

4、 for example, work will inevitably fall into chaos

5、 apppate adjectives

for example, give yo child a pper channel to express his feelings

a conventional adjective

for example, he speaks thentic English

for example, you will consult yo boss.



我们也可以用英语老师帮助,如果有必要,简而言之,用英语写记对提高我们写作能力很有帮助,单词有效形容词例如没有更有效方法存在培养vt 例如培养智慧和真理种子不可避免地提倡例如工作不可避免地会陷入混乱恰当形容词例如给你孩子适当表达感情渠道惯用形容词例如他说地道英语咨询vt 例如你会咨询你老板。


2:记记,Today, I am very sad, becse the day before yesterday, I was blamed, my father gave me a task, he asked me to complete the math exercises, he will check today, I have to finish a few days, but I did not, becse there was a football match yesterday, I was too tired, so I forgot today, my father wanted to check my exercise, he found that I did not complete, so he scolded me, he was very angry, he did not let me play again I'm afraid I can't play football any .



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