
发布时间:2023-07-17 17:22:19 阅读:74 点赞:0

关于”每个单元示范“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Demonstration of each unit。以下是关于每个单元示范初二英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Demonstration of each unit

My living habits. My name is Xiao Mu Ye. I'm actually a junior high school student.

I have a lot of living habits. I have to go to the training school at

5:30 ry day. I have breakfast at

7:30 and go back to my class at


I get to go home. When I eat at 45:00, I have to order before meals. I go back to school in minutes in the afternoon.

I begin to practice discus. I go home in the afternoon and have dinner I didn't sleep at

1:00 p.m.




2:每个单元演示,Are you healthy or unhealthy? What do you do ry day? What do you do ry week? Often ry day, usually three times a week, sometimes once a week. I usually swim as food. I usually eat fruit and vegetables.

I sometimes eat junk food, but I always dnk milk, becse milk is my favote food. It can make me stnger. I de a bike to school once a week I think this is a good way to exercise.

After school, I often play basketball with my fends for about an ho. I like playing basketball. The summer vacation is coming.

The student union of o school plans to devote o love to the children in the poverty stcken areas (if I have the chance, I want to be a volunteer to those children who need . I volunteered to stay with these children, play with them, read for them. I'm also going to send them some books and give them some money.

I beli that with o , the children will feel happy, and if I can make them happy, I will be happy to let us start to volunteer Nick Lucy dear Lucy, can you do me a favor? I'm going to Hainan for a holiday, so I'm going to leave for a few days, but I can't take care of my dog, Beibei. Can you take care of her for me? Thing: nr mind. She likes to walk ry day.

She is clean, so can you clean her house ry day? Can you play with her? She likes to play with the host () and she likes to sleep. She likes eating meat. Can you feed her some meat and other food ry day? I hope you will agree to me.

Thank you very much, Nick.





3:每个单元示范,Dear Bob, I got my report card today. This time I did very well. I'm glad to hear the math teacher say that I'm hardworking, and the Spanish teacher says I'm good at speaking.

Howr, I still have some difficulties in learning history and science. My history teacher says I can do better. My science teacher says I'm a lazy student.

In a word, I think I need to study hard next semester.



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