
发布时间:2023-07-07 08:04:03 阅读:42 点赞:0



Volunteeng a community is made up of a gup of people whose existence depends on them. People may live close to each other, rather than a community, becse the word community means community action, where neighbors work together to a better place to live, so this is important. If I have a few hos a month, we can contbute to o community, and I will try to and ptect green in my community I feel that ptecting green is a work worth working hard, which is of great value to my community.

This is especially important becse I live in a city community. The open s and parks in the city are limited. In order to fther dlopment, efforts will be sacficed to ptect these s and build new parks.

It will be a way to ptect the scarce resoces of the community The residents of o community pvide green to enhance the feeling of the community and impve the relationship beeen neighbors, becse attractive parks encoage people to go out and interact with others in a relaxed atmosphere. In addition, by betifying the community, it will pvide residents with contact with nate, which will encoage them to exercise and lead a healthier life. The above are just some benefits of having green and parks in the community.

Becse it is very beneficial to the community, I will choose to invest my free time in this way. I hope to make a meaningful contbution to my community and my neighbors.





2:自愿,Li Tao wants to be a volunteer to ptect animals. We may think, why should I ptect animals? Becse people always abuse poor animals. This morning, I saw a piece of news.

This news really made me realize that a man who was cruel to human beings killed at least cats and kittens he slghtered: "you know, I don't have any outlet. Kittens have to take over (gw up) Can give me such a channel to vent: "I read this short news, very sad people said that animals are the best fends of , but they said so, why not? Animals do not have the ght to life and , they can not live at this time, anger filled my body, you changed yo mind: if you are a cat who is bullied and abused all day, ry day In addition to playing with you, it's you who vent yo anger. It's becse there's news that I want to ptect animals and gw up.

I want to open a shop to adopt stray cats and stray dogs. If you find someone abusing animals, you should make good use of the seousness of animal abuse in this way. People will not abuse animals.

I want those poor animals to have a home. They will not wander outside and be taken by people all day long bully.




3:志愿,If you are Li Hua, the leader of the student union of a university decides to orize a summer volunteer activity, please prepare a poster for recruiting volunteers. Abstract: the activity starts in August and lasts for o months. Application time: as of July.

Registration location: Student Union reception activity: pvide psychological counseling for children in mountainous areas. Volunteers should have fluent English Nizhao volunteers, food and accommodation It's the responsibility of the local school.



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