
发布时间:2024-02-27 05:06:46 阅读:77 点赞:0

关于”我对生活期待“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:My expectation of life。以下是关于我对生活期待高三英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My expectation of life

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As we all know, books teach us to learn life, learn truth, science and many other useful things. They increase o knowledge, baden o hozons and strenen o character. In other words, they are o good teachers and wise fends.

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2:我对生活期望,There are o people looking out the window. The first one can only see rubbish. He is a pessimist.

He always complains about his life. When facing difficulties, he always thinks that God is not equal to him. Therefore, he is always afraid becse he often loses the opportunity to recall his past.

He is very sorry that his father put him at the entrance of the ad and told him He had to be careful when choosing his life, but he had chosen the wng way, and now he can get nothing but regret and mistakes in the joney. She didn't dare to see his father in the haven River, often crying, but to vaneno, he was a penniless loser. Howr, the second person is different fm what he saw thugh the window for the first time.

He is an optimist. He always iles when facing difficulties. He still keeps a sense of humor.

He can overcome all setbacks and obstacles with his great determination. He often finds his life so colorful and interesting becse he has overcome all difficulties. Moreover, he is very stng and stng.

Although the life outside is very difficult, he still tes to overcome all the difficulties. He is brave, confident and brave to face the present life. He is confident and confident enough to challenge himself.

He is easy-going and kind-hearted. He always s others when others are in tuble. That's why he always has a good reputation in the story Knowing that the second man has set us a good example, we must follow his example.





3:我对生活期待,The ile on life is very important in o life. It is also a kind of encoagement. When you feel cold, it makes people feel warm.

It gives stren to those who need to walk. It makes some narw-minded people brave. It makes people see hope in despair.

So ile yo life.



标签: 出国英文名  女生英文名  女孩英文名  宠物英文名  王者英文名 

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