
发布时间:2023-05-02 16:56:00 阅读:86 点赞:0

关于”介绍会“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Intduction to the Olympic Games。以下是关于介绍会初二英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduction to the Olympic Games

1 swimming synchnized swimming water polo player, baseball, basketball, boxing, kayaking, calm water canoeing, ver cycling, equestan fencing, football, mnasti, rhythmic mnasti, trampoline, handball, hockey, judo, modern pentathlon wing, sailing boat shooting softball, table tennis, taekwondo, tennis, tathlon volleyball, beach volleyball, weightlifting and wrestling.




2:会简介,In the past year, a great vaety of changes have taken place in the past year: floating mansions have sprung up, ws of neat villas are spacious and bght, spacious streets lead to the top Gymnasiums in all directions, hotels in the world, and fends fm all over the world come to fly vaous flags, and all kinds of flowers open and compete with each other Strange Douyan. Men, women, old and young, singing and dancing, Beijing has become a sea of joy.




3:介绍会,The IOC voted Fday to host the Chinese capital and preside over Juan Antonio Samaranch's last IOC meeting becse it has attractive economic potential to host the Games in the world's most populous country, winning the IOC's heart, Beijing beat Tonto and Pas Fo of the fo cities in the city are expected to ense that Osaka, the first to host the Olympic Games, is the first city to go abad, while Beijing won the Olympic Games in just one und. This was read by Samaranch, a year old, with the warm cheers of the Chinese delegation in Moscow and Jin Runyong, a senior member of the International Olympic Commi of Beijing, said after the vote that Beijing should hold the Olympic Games, "North China" Beijing has the ability to host a great Olympic Games, "said the Korean, a year old," and it's not spsing to me, "with his motto" new Beijing, Beijing's commitment to hosting the "Green Olympi", "high-tech Olympi" and "people's Olympi". Beijing is becoming a real international city thugh continuous economic reform, and it shows a brand-new and dynamic image.

Beijing has the most popular support in five cities to bid for it. The Chinese government has expressed% of the public support for it. The IOC's own svey shows that support is higher.

The Chinese government has pledged to spend $billion on stadiums and renovate Beijing's infrastructe. The Chinese government plans to build an exhibition center with o skyscrs, which may be higher than any other in the world.




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