
发布时间:2023-07-04 09:41:01 阅读:98 点赞:0

关于”写信给志愿者提供帮助“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Wte to volunteers to 。以下是关于写信给志愿者提供帮助初三英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wte to volunteers to

To submit an application letter to the Olympic volunteers. Ladies and gentlemen, I have learned fm the official channel of the Orizing Commi of the Olympic Games that Beijing Olympia has begun to recruit volunteers. I would like to formally apply to become an extverted / confident and optimistic boy of volunteers.

I am a sopho majong in English at Peking University, and I am pficient in the first Olympic official language The o years of working expeence in the Ppada Department of the student union have made me qualified to be a good er, and n better after graduation. Moreover, I have always been keen on this sport and advocating the Olympic slo, advocating higher, faster and stnger. This will also enable me to devote myself to the volunteer work.

I am confident that I will become a competent volunteer Challenging and rewarding work, if you can consider my application and convey it to me, I would appreciate it if you could pvide the detailed information of the application as soon as possible at yo convenience, waiting for yo reply / looking forward to yo reply confirmation: resume.




2:写信给志愿者帮忙,Nowadays, and people join in the volunteer activities. As we all know, volunteer work is a contbution to the society without any retn. Howr, knowing this, there are still many people willing to participate in this trend.

For example, there are so many volunteers in Beijing Olympic Games, they have made a lot of contbutions to the success of the Olympic Games, and we often It can be seen that many students go to nsing homes to bng happiness to the elderly. Even some of them are volunteers, and they are willing to others. Although the number of volunteers is and common, we still have to thank them and ade their contbution to the society.).




3:写信给志愿者提供帮助,I can make them feel at home in Shanghai. What can I do for the World Expo? I am good at English. I can communicate with forei guests fluently, such as taking them to their hotels or visiting places of interest of tousts fm different countes in Shanghai.

I will remember the theme of the Expo and make the city better. What can I do for the Expo? For this wonderful festival, I We all know that the World Expo will be held in Shanghai. We are pud and responsible.

It is said that I will become a volunteer to serve the Expo citizens in sn days,.



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